Our service of Morning Prayer for Trinity Sunday, led by our Reader, Jill Nattrass, included relevant Old and New Testament readings, hymns and a brief period of meditation.We continue to say prayers for the conflict in Ukraine.Events for the week ahead include the Gardening Team meeting as usual at 10am on Monday and the Friday coffee morning in the hall, 10.30am-12noon.The Deanery Synod meets this week and our representatives will report back in due course.In other news, we continue to support the Stanley Foodbank and are grateful for all donations.Normal Eucharist resumes next Sunday, 11am, all welcome.
Our tea party for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee was a huge success, with members of our church and the wider community coming together to celebrate this significant milestone.With good food, a magnificent cake, special prayers and the national anthem, it was a joyous occasion.And although it was not a fund-raising event as such, we passed baskets for donations around at the end. The result was an amazing £220 for Christian Aid. Thanks to everyone for their contributions!Now it's back down to earth for this week:Monday, 10am: Gardening team meet at the churchTuesday, 1.30pm: Mothers Union in the hall, when the guest speaker will be Area Dean Steph Clark.Friday, 10.30am-12noon: Coffee morning in the hall.
Monday, 10am: Gardening group meet at churchThursday, 9.45am: Monthly morning worshipFriday, 2.30pm: Jubilee Tea Party in the hall (invitation only)Looking ahead: Tuesday, June 7, 1.30pm Mothers Union in the hall. Guest speaker the Rev Steph Clark will be sharing her recent research findings on misogyny. Non-members welcome.
*The Ascension Day service for our deanery is on Thursday, May 26, at All Saints Church, Lanchester, at 7pm.*Our regular coffee morning is on Friday, 10.30am to 12noon in the church hall.*We are continuing to make plans for our Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea in the church hall on June 3. This event is at capacity, those who have secured a place are asked to arrive at 2.30 for 3pm.*Collections for the Stanley Foodbank are being gratefully received in church and at our local Co-op.