This Sunday, August 7, which is the ninth Sunday after Trinity, we're pleased to welcome back Archdeacon Libby Wilkinson. She will be leading our worship in church at 11am.Also in the week ahead the gardening team will meet at the church at 10am on Monday, and on Wednesday the Mothers Union will be going on their annual summer outing. This is a trip to Carlisle with the bus leaving the village at 9.30m. Seats are still available.And look out for our next Cafe Church, in the hall on August 21.Other social and fund-raising events in the pipeline include a Harvest Lunch on September 24 and a Table Top Sale on November 19.
Today, July 31, we welcomed the Rev Martin Saunders back to lead our worship for the 7th Sunday after Trinity.As part of the service we tried out 'intinction' where the communion wafer was dipped into the communion wine before being administered. Members of the congregation were given a choice about whether to receive in this way. This is a tiny step on what we hope is the road back to normal giving and taking of communion.In other news, the gardening team meets as usual on Monday morning but the Friday coffee shop is taking a month-long break, returning in September.On Thursday, August 4, we will have our monthly service of Morning Prayer in church at 9.45.We continue to draw up plans for social and fund-raising events, which will be advertised nearer the time.
We held our regular Eucharist for the sixth Sunday after Trinity and members of the congregation stayed afterwards to enjoy refreshments.Looking ahead, the PCC met this week and discussed a number of ways in which we can raise funds to support the church while socialising with our community.Monthly bingo sessions are being considered, and we are also planning a Harvest Lunch, a Race Night and a Table Top sale in the run-up to Christmas. More details soon!
Today's service for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity was Morning Prayer, a communal effort involving the lay officials and congregation. The service was led by the churchwarden and the pastoral assistant, our lay reader gave a sermon, one member of the congregation gave the Old Testament reading, another member provided the intercessions and the choir led the hymns.Refreshments were enjoyed by all afterwards.Next Sunday we will have a service of communion.Events this week include the regular gardening session on Monday morning and the Friday coffee morning in the hall.People have also been invited to attend a Mothers Union service at St Mary's Church, Whickham, on Thursday afternoon, which is being conducted by an African bishop as he and his wife journey through the region to the Lambeth Conference. The service is at 2pm.