After our very popular Cafe Church last Sunday in the hall, we are back to church this Sunday (Feb 5) with our usual Eucharist, 11am.Also, as it's the first Thursday of the month on February 2, there will be our usual Morning Prayer in church, 9.45am.
Next Sunday, January 29, we will be celebrating Candlemas by way of Cafe Church.This is a different, more informal, way of worship which is held in the church hall and includes pre-service refreshments.Cafe Church opens from 10.30 with the aim of starting at 11am.
Two events in the church hall this week:On Wednesday, the bi-monthly MHA group will offer an introduction to digital drawing using the Procreate system. iPads will be provided. 10.30am top 12noon. On Friday our usual coffee morning will be held in the hall, 10.30am to 12noon. Come along for a cuppa and a chat, or just use this event as a warm space.
Father, you used the star to lead the Magi to the stable. May you use us as your little lights today as we live in a world that is still covered by darkness.We live in a world that is searching for hope and many still need to make the pilgrimage to the manger, the cross and to the empty tomb.May our lives reflect your light as we seek to serve where you have placed us.We pray for our world to have a year of epiphanies and receive the gift of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.In the name of Jesus, Amen.