Thursday evening (30th April 2020), after the NHS applause, we will be doing two different kinds of thing. Come to one, none or both… as you like.DeuteronomyThe first thing is in the category of ‘Things-I-probably-wouldn’t-normally-do-but-in-Lockdown,-I-just-started-reading-‘War-and-Peace’,-so-I’ll-think-about-it’. I’ll be leading a short course on the Book of Deuteronomy for four weeks starting next Thursday. Come via Zoom. Lots of interaction. Deuteronomy is one of those texts from the Old Testament that can get bypassed or dismissed, but is filled with rich insights if you give it a chance. It’s also got its fair share of gruesome commandments to genocide, so you have to read it sensitively. But that’s what we’ll be doing!If you want to come this week, the first week will be about Deuteronomy as law and the passages we’ll be looking at in particular are 4.1-43, 4.44-49 and 5.1-33 (which includes the Ten Commandments). Compline Following the successful service this week, we’ll essentially be offering a repeat. This will be at 9pm on Thursday, following on from the Bible study, though you don’t need to have gone to the first to come to the second. Rather like the BBC, I like to think we’re offering something for everyone at church this week. If you’re in trouble or you know someone who is isolated, then please be in touch.For more information on how to join the online study and Compline service please contact
How to stay connected with St Andrew & St Mark, Surbiton Church.We have online services on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am and 11 am.We are planning more weekday online services, quiet reflective services for 20 minutes, typically in the evening at 8pm. We are planning an online quiz night.We are helping those in our local community, connecting those in need with those who can help.Please visit our website or contact the parish office at for more information.
To see the Holy week and Easter sermons please visit St Andrew and St Mark, Surbiton YouTube channel
As you are probably aware, the church buildings are closed, in line with churches nationwide, in response to the government instructions for what is pretty close to a lock-down. This is likely to last several weeks, including Holy Week, which will be really strange.Responding to this has been difficult, but one of the ways we are trying to do this is to improve our online presence .For regular updates please visit our parish website will also be updating our page on A Church Near You with current information and service sheets.Sermons can be found on St Andrew and St Mark. Surbiton Youtube channel