I've now completed the Christian Aid 70k in May challenge. In total, in May, I walked 360,000 steps or 160 miles and raised £497.50 for Christian Aid. Thank you to my family and friends who supported me. You may like to watch this 1min film to see the impact of donations.
St Hilda’s Church PCC voted unanimously on April 21st to join the Inclusive Church Network, therefore committing to fostering a welcoming environment that celebrates and affirms every individual without discrimination.Rev. Jenni expressed her enthusiasm for the decision, stating, “I'm thrilled to be welcomed as part of the Inclusive Church Network. This is an important step for us to put into practice what we believe. We won't always get it right, but Inclusive Church challenges and encourages us to consider how we reflect the radical welcome of God to all. As a church we commit to striving towards this, and doing what we can to make this a reality. We hope it will enable newcomers to know they really are welcome and for all us to grow in faith."The Inclusive Church Network is a network of churches, groups, and individuals united around a shared vision of an inclusive church - a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.Prior to the vote, St Hilda’s embarked on an educational journey to ensure the entire congregation was informed and prepared for the challenges and opportunities inherent in joining the Inclusive Church Network. Throughout February and March the church organised a series of special services featuring both in-house and guest preachers. These services explored themes such as mental health, ethnicity, disability, poverty, gender, and sexuality. Copies of all sermons from these services are available upon request from Rev. Jenni.To learn more about the Inclusive Church Network and its mission, please visit their website at https://www.inclusive-church.org/.There are a series of books at the back of the church – do borrow them or chat more to Jenni as we move forward in these areas.
On Tuesday 4 June our wonderful churchwardens were formally admitted to their office by the Archdeacon of Birmingham.Churchwardens, along with the parish priest, are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of a parish. Julie and Ian are volunteers who use their time and gifts to enable the mission and ministry of our church. Thanks be to God for their willingness to serve in this role.
From 16th June – 7th July we will have Anjani, a Reader in training, on placement with us. Anjani will be leading worship, preaching and getting involved in community life.To mark the end of her time with us we will have a bring and share lunch after the service on Sunday 7 July. The lunch will be in the church so please bring cold dishes to share.