On Sea Sunday, July 14th at 10.30am we will be remembering the work of the Mission to Seafarers. If you have any knitting please bring it to church on any of the next Sundays, or if you would like us to collect it please give us a ring on 5504027. As always we are very grateful for all the time spent making the lovely knitted items. During 2023, we were able to send the Mission to the Seafarers 90 hats, 18 balaclavas, 29 scarfs and 26 pairs of gloves. I receive letters from the Port Welfare staff of the Mission to Seafarers at South Shields, where the knitted items are now collected to be distributed to seafarers, and from the letters it is obvious how much the seafarers appreciate to be remembered. As always my sincere thanks to our knitters for all the support I receive.Your support would be much appreciated at the service. Please continue to remember the Mission to Seafarers and the people they minister to in your prayers. Many thanks, Judith and family.
As the Summer is here it would be good to get a group of people together who are happy to cut the lawn on a regular basis. If you are able to help please see our Churchwarden Ian asap and we can make a start. Thanks!Please note all volunteers will need to complete the Church of England basic awareness safeguarding training before starting this role.
A fantastic new play kitchen and pocket garden has been built as part of the Parakeet playgroup which meets weekly at St Hilda's. It all looks amazing and we're sure the children who attend the group are going to love it! The Parakeet Playgroup is a weekly art and nature playgroup at St. Hilda's every Friday from 09:30-11am. Parakeet Playgroup is inspired by the playgroup movement of the early 60s and is for families with children 0-5yrs. Pay what you feel, on the door donations are most welcome. Supported by Arts Council England.Find out more about The Parakeet here: https://linktr.ee/theparakeet
Our 3 Shires Festival will take place from the 21st June to the 14th July.The name refers to the three counties Staffordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire that joined together here in Warley a hundred years ago. This is our 6th festival and this year the events will span across four weekends.We have a range of music from choral to instrumental, classical to folk and secular to sacred. Our aim is to make music accessible to everyone so many of our events are free to attend with an opportunity to donate to the festival.You will hopefully see some brochures available in church that have all of the events in so please do take one for yourself and some for any friends who maybe interested. Our website also shows the different events that are taking place so please do visit and share the website: 3shires.org.We do hope you can come and support as many events as possible. John Barber.