St John's Remembrance Sunday Service will start at 10.15am, 12 November 2023.Parishioners lost in wartime will be specifically commemorated by the 'There but not There' figures, and all those lost to warfare will be commemorated by the poppy decorations around the church.
Tickets are available for the Quiz Night on 27th October, 7pm start in the Church Hall. We will be serving Pizza or Pasta, so we’d be grateful if you would tell us which you would prefer and whether you have any food allergies or dietary requirements.We can accommodate 10 teams of no more than 6 people - make up a team beforehand or join one on the night. We will only sell 60 tickets. There will also be a Raffle.Last orders by 22nd October 2023 please.
Twenty three years since the last collation and induction service at St John the Evangelist and on 25 September 2023 it was Jaimée's time to take up the benefice. Bishop Rosemarie led the service in which many assents, oaths and reaffirmations were made. However, while embedded in the past, the service pointed to a joyful future, centered on the Good Shepard, a parish led and served by our new priest.Welcome Jaimée!
The Harvest Lunch on 24 September was an enjoyable get together to celebrate God's bounty given to us, and by donation pass some of that on to Caterham Foodbank and Welcare.There were new faces, including the soon to be vicar, and some familiar faces. My face was fairly slack jawed as I'd returned from holiday in the wee small hours of the morning :)