From 14h00 to 17h30 a variety of Gardens including the Allotments will be open around our villages. The afternoon will include:
- Teas
- Plant Stall outside The Chequers
- Children's Scavenge Hunt
- Advice on Gardening Problems


On Sunday 14 May 2023 we will be holding the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) at St Helen's Church following the Service of Holy Communion.

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On Sunday 7 May 2023 there will be a Family Service at 11h00 at St Helen's Church to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.
This will be followed from 12h30 onwards by a Village Picnic at the Recreation Ground.

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Future family services – 11 am each 1st Sunday: From now on, you will have more notice. Our Curate, Mel, and our Vicar, Fr Michael, have been working on the Family Service themes for the rest of the year.
