On Sunday 1st October, we shall be holding our annual HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE AND LUNCH.The short Family Service will be at 11am, and will be followed by a Bring-and-Share lunch in the church.We do hope you would like to come. Please bring a plate/dish of something to share on the buffet table – the meal will be eaten informally in the pews!This is also our opportunity to donate dry or tinned goods for the homeless, probably needed this year more than ever, and there will be a place in the service for these to be brought to the altar.
Welcome to Choral EvensongOn Sunday 30 July 2023 there will be a Benefice Choral Evensong held at St Helen's Church. The service will start at 4 pm and will last for approximately 45 minutes, followed by refreshments.The service is essentially that composed by Archbishop Cranmer in the sixteenth century, but contains texts which are much earlier. An interesting article describing Evensong can be found here. At our service the choir will sing an Introit 'Day by Day' by Martin How (1931-2022) and the anthem 'O for a Closer Walk with God' by C V Stanford (1852-1924). You are very welcome to join in the singing of three hymns, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, and Psalm 150 (set to a chant by C V Stanford).We hope that you will find prayerful reflection on what is said and sung a worthy offering to God. We live in a busy world; it is our prayer that this act of worship may both glorify God and provide an opportunity for the recharging of spiritual batteries.O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, bow down before him, his glory proclaim. (J.S.B. Monsell)
Berrick and Roke Open Gardens 2023Saturday 17 June 202314h00 - 17h30A variety of Gardens including the Allotments will be open around our villages. The afternoon will include:- Teas - Plant Stall outside The Chequers- Children's Scavenge Hunt- Advice on Gardening Problems from a very experienced gardener (who will be in one of the gardens)Tickets £5.00 per adult - Children free.Jane would be very pleased to receive offers of help before and on the day. She also need cakes for the teas and any surplus plants.All proceeds are will go to help maintaining our lovely historic church.Please contact Jane Franklin on 07498188267 or email manorfarmbs@gmail.com
On Sunday 14 May 2023 we will be holding the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) at St Helen's Church following the Service of Holy Communion. The meeting will start at 11h45 and will finish by 12h30. Refreshments will be provided.Please see the attached file 'APCM Booklet 2023' which includes the agenda for the meeting, the minutes of last year's meeting, and a number of reports on the activities of the church and the PCC over the past 12 months.Everyone is welcome to attend, although voting is limited to Electoral Roll members.We look forward to seeing you there!