Our lovely village Garden Fete is back!

Sunday afternoon 30th June at The Innocents, courtesy of Nicol and Ian Glyn.

Stalls, competitions, kids’ races, tug-of-war, teas, Pimms, games, outdoor fun and ice creams.

All welcome!

Church_news Community_news

Our next Family Service will take place on Sunday 7 July 2024 at 11 am and will be based around the story of the Creation. Whether you have 2 legs, 4 legs, no legs, or hundreds of legs, you are welcome!


Please join us as we process from the Chequers to St Helen's Church behind Basil, the Shetland pony! A service of Holy Communion will be held after the procession, lasting for about an hour.

Easter Church_news

On Sunday 28 January 2024 there will be a Benefice Choral Evensong held at St Helen's Church starting at 16h00.
