From Wednesday 2 December 2020 we will be following the Government's Tier 2 guidelines to manage coronavirus risks.

Thankfully this means that St Helen's Church can now be opened again for public worship, as well as for private prayer.


Christmas means many different things to different people. For those who are vulnerably housed or homeless it can be especially lonely, and this year, perhaps, even more so. For more please click 'Read this Story'...


An Online Service of Advent Readings and Carols, hosted by the cluster of our benefice, Benson,and Ewelme, and Icknield, was broadcast. There were readers, singers, and ministers from all three benefices, not to forget Padre Matt from RAF Benson.


Please follow the link attached to follow the service of Holy Communion that was led by Father Michael at St Helen's Church on Sunday 29 November 2020 at 9h30.
