Like many charities, Christian Aid is experiencing the double-whammy of coronavirus - a reduction in income and an increase in demand. With door-to-door collections largely suspended we have created an e-envelope to enable you to contribute to the work of Christian Aid, which this year is focused on the global recovery from the pandemic and climate justice.You can make a contribution here.
Here is the introduction from the St James' Woodside Annual Report and Accounts. To read on please open the attachment.The aim of our church is to live as followers of Jesus Christ, and to Share God’s Blessing with the people of Horsforth.We are members of the Church of England, and so follow Christ within this tradition and alongside both other Anglican churches and local churches of other denominations as fellow members of Horsforth Churches Together.The PCC is a public benefit entity within the meaning of Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 102. The Church of England website has as its mission statement ‘A Christian presence in every community’. Services of worship are offered in traditional and contemporary formats and the pastoral offices - weddings, funerals and services of baptism - are offered to those in the Parish / those with Parish connections. Services and offices are open to the local community irrespective of formal links to the church...
We plan to hold the Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 25 April at 12 noon. There 15 places to book to attend the meeting in person in the Parish Centre; others will be able to join the meeting via Zoom. Priority for the ‘in person’ places will be given to those who do not have access to the Internet. If you would like to book an ‘in person’ place please email or call the Church Office.If you would like copies of the papers for the meeting these can be obtained by contacting the Church Office. The agenda and minutes from the 2020 meeting are attached here.If you would like to join the meeting via Zoom please click here.
There has been a long tradition in the Church of meditating on the events of the suffering and death of Jesus, called the Stations of the Cross. In the latter part of the twentieth century a complementary devotion emerged, called the Stations of the Resurrection or the Stations of Joy. This version has been created for personal devotion/ meditation during the season between Easter and Pentecost.Using the resurrection appearances as a focus for reflection and meditation we have an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection appearances are more than just stories or history, they are a record of personal encounters with our risen Lord. It is hoped that silence and space around these devotions, perhaps reflecting on one ‘station’ each day, may enable that encounter to happen today.May you be richly blessed.