This edition of St James' Life includes the times of Easter services and news from the church community.
The Stations of the Cross have formed part of Christian devotion at Passiontide for many centuries because they enable us to engage actively with the path of suffering walked by Jesus.In this disorientating time of physical separateness, this material is offered for Holy Week as one possible way for you to connect with Christian pilgrims now and through the ages. If you are able to get out for daily exercise, you may wish to use the material as a devotional ‘walk’.
On 26 January, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York wrote a letter to the nation calling for February to be a month of prayer. You can download a copy of their letter here.The letter includes an invitation to everyone – whether they have faith or not – to join the archbishops in pausing and praying each day at 6pm from 01 February.A suggested pattern for a prayer focus each day is set out below, with links to resources on the Church of England website. Sunday, Family, friends and loved ones.Monday, Schools and colleges, children and young people.Tuesday, The elderly, isolated and vulnerable.Wednesday, Businesses, the workplace and economic wellbeing.Thursday, The NHS and other keyworkers.Friday, National and local government.Saturday, All who are grieving and all suffering with physical and mental ill-health.