We will be celebrating HARVEST this Sunday (17th September) at 6pm followed by light refreshments. Everyone very welcome! Gifts of money will be donated to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) and gifts of produce will be taken to the 'I am recyclable' foodbank in Leeman Rd. If you have any items to donate (see the list below) then please leave them in church this week or bring them with you on Sunday. It is so lovely to see the church decorated with seasonal produce every year and reflect on our agricultural roots and ongoing dependence for food and other precious resources.The foodbank would welcome UHT milk, non-perishable tinned food (e.g.canned fish, meat, beans, soups, puddings), rice, pasta, pasta sauces, tea, coffee, sugar, cereals, fresh fruit and veg, toiletries and washing powder.
Here is a link to Tearfund's poster, called 'Rubbish Bin-go'. Lots of little changes we can make, short and long-term, to make a difference.More information on their website!https://www.tearfund.org/campaigns/rubbish-campaign
This is an evening liturgy from the 'Wee Worship Book' produced by the Iona Community in the 1980s.These services were written to be fresh, accessible, relevant and engaging.This week's bible reading celebrates the life of Barnabas, a member of the newly emerging church in Jerusalem shortly after the death of Jesus. Barnabas sold all he had to share with his community, and recognised that EVERYONE (not just the Jews) were children of God. In the New Testament in the book of Galatians (Chapter 3 verses 28-29), Paul (who worked closely with Barnabas for a while) wrote:We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same—we are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus. (The Living Bible).All very welcome!