2nd Ramsbottom Beavers had a great time on Monday night at St Paul’s church. They met Rev Ian and learnt all about the important parts of the church. At the end of the evening, Rev Ian awarded the Beavers with their faith badge using the ‘Beaver left hand shake’. They had a great evening.
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morningWe will remember them".
We are proud to announce the total raised for the 2022 Jigsaw Festival.It was a hard week with the weather, and the extremely sad death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, but we are extremely happy that the amount of £7,668.36, which will be split between the two churches.
Wednesday 2nd November was All Souls’ Day, a day that helps us to remember those who have died.Whether someone you knew has died recently or long ago, lighting a candle can often help us pause, pray and think of them for a few moments. If you can't get to a church just now, you can still light a candle at home, or online on our website at <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcofe.io%2FLightACandle%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1DX0viJbU_CwXMSgVAKnfIt5LFtJP7mL1ElZNJcfL_iBgu_q0EStQLl_E&h=AT3sZjRxOoI-n7hupADHSNqYioX-Ogp-PieBY20PTBd1TbDgm6owQqshNPT8vQy_EM_kXZvk0j85yxa_D1oVAOmnWrNVQjVJfu5LU_bc7bt3iTkwilQQ-kaE4KAZy5_XIbIJYAci33uc7M3iYA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3Y4kgjtYjZK09A5SFBg8HBZLoBNJCjzMSxBCitv2Bibp17g4zsPQPpNn_MY5wBXUAYAEF0SFhrZXAEjMsqJw5tklq6W2tAQjMD81ib6xUrk6n5rGPIrDkq0TRllU10YSUwY9gfiZ9Va1W3SxJx1bOV8OIVgI3teS3DNp_E-mEiQ6ksOEViXwCqWI4OD8XoNffLhuAlekYlU_tPfVG7">cofe.io/LightACandle</a>.