We recently launched an appeal to raise funds for the repair of our clock which has not worked since March. We are very pleased to report that we have reached our target, and hope to begin work soon.Many thanks are due to everyone who has contributed. Not only have we raised enough to do the current work, but we also have a small amount over for future maintenance of the clock. We are immensely grateful to all who have contributed. We will keep you updated on progress with the work.
In the midst of the pandemic, many families have not been able to hold the funeral they would have wanted for a loved one who has died. Limits on numbers who could attend, shorter services at the crematorium, and no possibility of singing familiar hymns have all made planning a funeral difficult in recent months. Whilst restrictions are now easing, there are still limitations on funeral services. Some have asked about the possibility of a memorial service in church when we can again gather in larger numbers. St John's would be pleased to host such services, and we can offer a beautiful building in which people have gathered in good times and in bad for centuries. We can offer a good organ or the option of recorded music to include favourite songs of the deceased, and we can offer you as long a service as you would like to share memories of your loved one and to give thanks for them. We also have a hall where you might like to gather for a reception after the service. If you would like to explore the possibility of holding such a service, please contact the Rector, Fr Dexter Bracey on 02476 711687 or parish@stjohnthebaptistcoventry.org.uk