St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 30th July 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 30th July 8.30 am Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Judith & Dorothy W Reader: Margaret 12.30 pm Baptisms of Tommy Clark and Rosie France Welcome and Set up: Berny McCarthy 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms 6.30 pm Community Prayers at Fleetwood Baptist Church Monday 31st July 1.00 pm Funeral of Larry Larsen in Church Tuesday 1st August 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Thursday 3rd August 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room – proceeds to Brian House Friday 4th August 12.00 pm Funeral of Barbara Large in Church Sunday 6th August 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Karen & June. Reader: Joy 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms ******************************* Afternoon Tea: Thank you again to everyone who was involved in anyway in last weekend’s afternoon tea. It was all about being together and enjoying fellowship, fun and endless calories! All expenses paid, we did manage to put just under £300 into our restoration fund too! The Pantry, Fleetwood Old Hospital: St Nic’s is now an official donator of tins and toiletries to our local food bank. Gifts can be placed in the box at the back of church and will be delivered to the Pantry on our behalf. Let’s do what we can. Coffee Morning: We have been approached by some representatives of All Hallows Church is Bispham who run coffee mornings in aid of Brian House, the local children’s hospice. This coming Thursday (4th) they will be coming along to our usual Thursday morning to serve tea and coffee etc, with a view to raising some well needed funds for the hospice. It would be lovely if you could help to support this event in any way. Feast of the Nations: On the 9th of September, we are hosting this in the Broadway Rooms, in association with the local churches in Fleetwood. We are blessed with brothers and sisters from many different parts of the world who are living and worshipping here in our community. At lunchtime on the Saturday you are invited to come along to sample the national dishes of, for example, Syria, Iran, Ukraine and Scotland! This is such a super opportunity to meet the community and be together. Tasting will commence at 12 noon and there may even be some ‘international entertainment.’ We do need an idea of numbers, so please sign up at the back of church! Lord, our Way Maker, You have saved us and have called out people from every part of the globe. We pray for unity between all Christians. As persecutions, troubles, and dangers come, may we be aware of how we can pray, love, and support one another. Our bond in Christ transcends cultures, borders, and nationalities: we have a citizenship in heaven. As such, we pray for unity across all believers as we seek to proclaim You to the nations. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Please also remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, and John Hawley. And the families of Larry Larsen, Karen Potter and Barbara Large whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 23rd July 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 23rd July 8.30 am Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Carole & Sandra. Reader: Elizabeth 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Monday 24th July 11.15 am Funeral of Norman Pendlebury in Church Tuesday 25th July 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Wednesday 26th July 6.30 pm Churches Together at Fleetwood Methodist Church Thursday 27th July 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room 11.30 am Funeral of Barry Kenyon at Poulton New Cemetery Friday 28th July 10.30 am Funeral of Brian Harrison in Church Sunday 30th July 8.30 am Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Judith & Dorothy W Reader: Margaret 12.30 pm Baptisms of Tommy Clark and Rosie France Welcome and Set up: Berny McCarthy 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms 6.30 pm Community Prayers at Fleetwood Baptist Church ******************************* Afternoon Tea: Grateful thanks to David & Joanne and Claire & Julie for organising and delivering such a super afternoon of delicious fayre, friendship and fun. It was certainly a day to be indoors and not in the Vicarage garden! Who knew we had such talented singers and entertainers in our midst? Well done and thanks you to everyone who took part in any way and who helped to make it such an enjoyable occasion. The Pantry, Fleetwood Old Hospital: The rise in the cost of living has affected us all in different ways but the increase in the cost of food in particular has put food banks and their users under unprecedented pressure. Food banks were already stretched during the coronavirus pandemic and although the number of food parcels given out has fallen since the pandemic, they remain above pre-pandemic levels. Many churches have responded by setting up their own pantries. In Fleetwood we are blessed with a fine food bank which continues to the challenge of serving the community. In that sense there is no requirement for us to set up anything new. Nancy Burr’s daughter Elaine volunteers at the Pantry in Fleetwood and has highlighted that there is now a real shortage of donations being received. Could we as a church respond by helping to make regular donations of, for example, tins of soup, rice pudding, tuna, coffee, tea, sugar, jam, toilet rolls etc? If you are able to help, there is a box for the food donations at the back of church which Elaine has kindly agreed to collect fortnightly and deliver to the Pantry on our behalf. Loving God, we pray for people in our community and beyond who are facing unemployment,ill-health, isolation or money worries at this time. We especially pray for those who are unable to afford enough to eat. May we who have been blessed so richly respond by providing supportive relationships, practical provision and real hope. God of compassion, hear our prayer. Please also remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, Callum Boyle and John Hawley. And the families of Barry Kenyon, Brian Harrison, Norman Pendlebury, Larry Larsen, Margaret Hodgson and Barbara Large whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 16th July 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 16th July 8.30 am Communion by Extension 9.30 am Worship on Zoom - CANCELLED 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Susan & Christine. Reader: Sandra 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Tuesday 18th July 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Wednesday 19th July 10.00 am Little Treasurers’ Graduation Ceremony Thursday 20th July 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room Friday 21st July 9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang in Broadway Rooms Saturday 22nd July 2.00 pm Summer Afternoon Tea in the Broadway Rooms Sunday 23rd July 8.30 am Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Carole & Sandra. Reader: Elizabeth 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms ******************************* Today we welcome Rev’d Fiona Haines, who will preside and preach at our 10.45 am service. Rev’d Fiona is based in Fleetwood and is a full-time Prison Chaplain having completed a long career in the Civil Service. We are grateful to her and also to Rev’d Dr Carol Wilkinson who is covering our Tuesday worship in the absence of the Vicar. Summer Afternoon Tea – Last chance this week to pick up your tickets! It’s sure to be a lovely time together with friends and church family. Mary Magdalene – It just so happens that on the same day as our Afternoon Tea, Saturday 22nd July, the Church will be celebrating the Festival of Mary Magdalene. All four gospels give Mary Magdalene a unique place among Jesus' followers. Probably from Magdala by the Sea of Galilee, she is described as having been healed by Jesus before accompanying him during his ministry. Along with other faithful women, she stayed beside the cross during the crucifixion and was the first disciple to discover the empty tomb on Easter morning. She was privileged with the first appearance of the risen Lord, who sent her to take the good news of the resurrection to the other disciples. This commission earned her the title 'Apostle to the Apostles' in the early Church. Almighty God, whose Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of mind and body and called her to be a witness to his resurrection: forgive our sins and heal us by your grace, that we may serve you in the power of his risen life; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Please also remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, Callum Boyle, Tony Hardman and John Hawley. And the families of Barry Kenyon, Brian Harrison and Norman Pendlebury whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 9th July 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 9th July 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Karen & June Reader: Joy 12.30 pm Baptisms of Albie Peake & Joshua Harrison Welcome and set up Judith 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Tuesday 11th July 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Thursday 13th July 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room Friday 14th July 9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang in Broadway Rooms 11.15 am Funeral in Church of Baby Maeva Sunday 16th July 8.30 am Communion by Extension 9.30 am Worship on Zoom - CANCELLED 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Susan & Christine Reader: Sandra 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms ******************************* Summer Afternoon Tea – This promises to be a lovely afternoon and an opportunity to spend some quality time together. Saturday 22nd July at 2 pm in the Church Hall. Tickets are available from Joanne or Claire and cost £5. Also, at the back of Church, “Name the Bear” £1 a go. It will make a beautiful gift for someone special. General Synod meeting in York July 7-11 General Synod is the national assembly of the Church of England and passes legislation known as measures and canons which have legal force. These measures affect the whole of The Church of England. The Synod formulates new forms of worship, debates matters of national and international importance, and approves the annual budget for the work of the Church at national level. In a regular year, General Synod meets in February in London and in July in York. Occasionally it meets in November, also in London. Amongst other items on the agenda at this meeting is the proposal to set wedding fees at nil or at a minimum amount in order to demonstrate the Church’s commitment to marriage and pastoral care. Also, the Synod will receive reports from the task groups working on the new prayers of ‘Love and Faith’, which may be used to bless same-sex unions in the future. The latter is still hugely controversial with some Anglican leaders declaring they no longer have confidence in the Archbishop of Canterbury, others feeling the prayers don’t go far enough. Let’s keep those attending synod in our prayers. Father, thank you for every seat filled at Synod this weekend. For each mind and heart that fills the presence of that place, we thank You. Only You truly know what they are setting out to accomplish. They have ideas, a vision, hints, and daily instructions. They have talents, abilities, and time to work. However, only You can see in perfect detail the end of every beginning. Every project, every season, every life. Nothing is ever in vain, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good. Your righteousness transcends all their efforts and understanding. Grant them abounding unity, love and an ability to disagree well in their deliberations and above all, may your kingdom come and your will be done. Amen Please also remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, Callum Boyle, Tony Hardman and John Hawley. And the families of Baby Maeva, Barry Kenyon, Brian Harrison and Norman Pendlebury whose funerals are due to take place.