Thank you to our wonderful children from Freckleton C of E Primary School who sang and read so beautifully at our carol service tonight.And to all who were involved in any way. Lovely to see so many of you join us.
What a great evening with our travelling nativity, aka Donkeys at Ponkeys! We even had two real-life baby Jesus.Lovely to take the donkeys and sing carols to our friends at Croft House Care Home and Old Vicarage.Followed by carols in Coach & Horses, Freckleton, and free donkey rides for the children, as a Christmas gift from the Three Churches: Freckleton Methodist Church, Holy family RC Church, Freckleton, and Holy Trinity Church, Freckleton.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Christingle service to support the work of The Children's Society. We had lots of fun playing a special game of pass the parcel, where each layer of wrapping helped us to think about the Christmas story.Some great Christmas outfits about, too!