Folders for youngsters will be available to be collected from church this Sunday and next Sunday 12th. The first session for youngsters will be at 6pm on Monday 13th March, online. A link will be sent to parents. Adult candidates will be contacted and a meeting date arranged.
Our theme was ‘Tangles’. Lent inspired us reflect on our lives and ourselves, and the messes we can make, the tangles we get into. We were inspired by the little book ‘Encounters with Jesus’ which had lots of pictures of tangles with stories of how meeting Jesus changed things.These tangled creations may look a mess to our readers, but they represent significant people, events to the person that made them. We have a very creative and expressive group at essence. All welcome, we meet on the first Wednesday of each month. At The Refectory, Fence
Being a church member has lots of benefits such as you can vote at our meetings, you can join the PCC, you have a right for burial in our churchyard etc. The most important benefit, however, is that you belong to our church family 😊 We would love you to join our family. All you need to do is fill in a form (enclosed with this Newsletter) and submit it. You will then be entered on the Roll