Saturday 9th March church family members, old and new, enjoyed a lovely time of fellowship with delicious home cooked food, and raising money for church funds and mission.To view more pictures please click the link.
‘Friday Faith and Fun’ and ‘Pizza and Praise’ met together to explore EasterFor pictures click the link.
The Church marked the lesser festival of George Herbert. Robert ensured we sang one of his hymns plus three others, all followed by a hot home- cooked lunch including pudding and custard. ‘More tea Vicar’ For some reason the Vicar pouring tea caused some humour….?!
Cherith is a Church Army Evangelist and works as a manager for the Christian Charity ‘Safe Families’. The meeting heard of the support offered for struggling families, and ways in which our churches can help. The Area Dean, Reverend Lesley, thanked Cherith and presented her with flowers.Other business: the meeting was updated on the General Synod, the planned Pendle Deanery Festival of Health and Wellbeing for September 8th -15th inclusive and forthcoming events at our churches in the Deanery over Lent / Easter.