A FAMILY MESSAGEHOLY WEEKAfter the Hosannas of Palm Sunday, we are working our way through this dark and sombre week, following Jesus through the events in Jerusalem – the Last Supper, the washing of the Disciples’ feet, Jesus’ arrest and interrogations and eventual crucifixion on Good Friday. Let’s remember through all this that the power of God was in full flow.However we are feeling at the moment in our present situation, let us remember the same thing. God is here with us! Let us find resilience and strength in his wisdom. We will arrive at ….EASTER SUNDAYA day of rejoicing at Jesus’ resurrection. A day for thankfulness and celebration.As HM the Queen broadcast on Sunday, the time will come when we will be able to meet again as a church family – with sincere thankfulness and rejoicing.Until that time comes, please continue to pray for, and on behalf of, our church community. To know that others are doing the same as us is reassuring, comforting – and powerful!If you need ideas for prayers, readings services on line, do look at the Coronavirus section of the Diocesan website (www.blackburn.anglican.org) Meantime, KEEP STRONG! KEEP WELL! KEEP PRAYING!With Best Wishes for a Blessed and Happy Easter!Lorna and Pat
A FEW THOUGHTS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY late March 2020Like all others, our cherished church building has had to be closed for the time being. BUT the Church is not the building – it is the people; it is the spiritual life of God’s people. In these testing times, we need to find a different way of continuing. Let us be encouraged to use this opportunity to pray, to act, to develop our devotional life at home, maybe to light a candle of hope.In these dark times, but especially at this season in the church’s calendar, let us remember that it was from the shutdown emptiness of the tomb that God performed his saving work in Christ.Bishop Philip is leading a Diocesan Coronavirus Task Group (see the Diocesan website) they issue each day a report. It is most helpful, both spiritually and practically. Here is a small section of the 27 March report:- At Passiontide we focus on the Cross. Jesus enters human suffering and pain and shows that such things can never triumph. In prayer let us place this anxious world at the foot of the cross knowing that it reveals both the perfect compassion and invincible hope we find in Jesus.There are a lot of ideas for private worship, suggestions for reading, things for children, live broadcasts etc on the Diocesan website (www.blackburn.anglican.org) Try it and see where it leads you!Here is a list of readings for April. You would have heard them in church –we encourage you to read them at home. Old Test. Psalm New Test GospelApril 5 Palm Sunday Is 50 v4-9 31 v9-16 Philipp 2 v5-11 Matt 26 v 14-end 9 Maundy Ex 12 v1-4 116 v10-end 1Cor 11 v23-26 John 13 v1-17 10 Good Friday Is 52 v 13-end 22 Hebr 10 v16-25 John 18 v 1-end 11 East Eve Job 14 v1-14 31 v1-4 1Peter 4 v 1-8 Matt 27 v 57-end 12 Easter Day Acts 10 v 34-43 118 v1/2/14-24 Coloss 3 v1-4 John 20 v 1-18 19 Easter2 Acts 2 v22—32 16 1 Peter 1 v3-9 John 20 v19-end 26 Easter3 Acts 2 v36-41 116 1-3,10-end 1Peter 1 v17-23 Luke 24 v13-35To end, here is the Diocesan prayer from the Task Group :Keep us, good Lord,Under the shadow of your mercyIn this time of uncertainty and distress’Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,And lift up all who are brought low;That we may rejoice in your comfort,Knowing that nothing can separate us from your loveIn Christ Jesus our LordAmen Keep safe! Keep well! Keep in touch! Keep on praying!