With the relaxing of Covid 19 restrictions, from Sunday 5th July we will be having an 11a.m. mass. However, this will be in one kind only and will be without hymns, so a shorter service.To minimise any risk the now 'normal' social distancing and sanitising rules will apply.
We hope that this message finds you in good health and coping with the challenges of life at the moment.As you are probably aware, churches have been given permission to open their doors from 13 June. Please bear in mind that this is for private prayer only.The PCC have been considering the implications of this. It is essential that we make decisions which are possible and safe for all concerned.This is what we have decided to do:- St Mary Magdalen’s church will be open on Sunday 21 June and every following Sunday from 10.30am to 12noon. We must stress that this will be for individual prayer only. This is an opportunity for us to be in God’s house and have a talk with Him, not with anybody else! That should be done outside, at a safe distance!We shall take the necessary precautions:-1. Entry by the main door only2. A one way system of entry and exit3. Hand sanitisers for use on entry and exit4. Designated pews (places 2m apart – this may change as regulations change) in the nave only. The Lady Chapel and Chancel will not be available5. No books/sheets will be available. By all means bring your own Bible, Prayer Book etc.6. No access to downstairs – no toilet facilitiesIt is regrettable that we cannot just fling wide the church doors and invite everybody in for a service. But we trust that, with God’s help, we shall eventually be able to do so. For the time being, we are limited by circumstances and we must follow Government/Diocesan advice. We are trying to strike a balance between health issues and a desire to worship God in His house as a congregation. But, wherever we are, we are God’s family and He is with us.Let us rejoice and be glad in Him!Churchwardens and PCC members
JUNE THOUGHTSWe do hope that when this message reaches you it finds you well and keeping on keeping on!Life is rather like a rollercoaster at the moment, isn’t it? Some days we feel fine and others we are not so sure and have to make an effort to get back on an even keel. But amidst all the turmoil of present days we do have one anchor – God’s love. He will keep us rooted in what is right and will bring us His peace. He will always listen. So whether we tell Him we are sad, complain to Him that we are fed up, shout at Him because we think things are wrong, or thank Him for His blessings, He will listen. Let’s give it a try in prayer!On Sunday 31 May we celebrate Pentecost. What an awe-inspiring and uplifting experience that must have been for the disciples! Enjoy reading the account of it in Acts. Let’s feel uplifted and reassured by it! “Feel the power!”Feedback tells us that some of us are enjoying the Sunday morning services on radio and television. Some are watching the Diocesan service on YouTube. May we remind you that there is plenty of material of all sorts available on the Diocesan website – www.blackburn.anglican.org7 June Trinity Isaiah 40 vv 12-17,27-end Psalm 8 2 Corinth 13 vv 11-end Matt 28 vv 16-2011 June Corpus Christi Gen 14 vv18-20 Psalm 116 10-end 1Corinth 11 vv23-2 John 6 vv 51-5814 June Trinity 1 Gen 18 vv1-15 Psalm 116 10-17 Romans 5 vv1-8 Matt 9v35-10v821 June Trinity 2 Gen 21 vv8-21 Psalm 86 1-10 Romans 6 vv1b-11 Matt10 vv24-3928 June Trinity 3 Gen22 vv1-14 Psalm 13 Romans 6 vv12-end Matt10 vv40-end
We know we are not alone! God is with us wherever we are and whatever we are going through.Just because we have no Vicar, we are not abandoned. We hope it will be comforting and encouraging to you to know that Bishop Philip has been in touch on more than one occasion to find out how things are with our church family. No doubt he has done the same for St Peter’s and St Andrew’s.People at the Diocese are still active on our behalf.Each day a group of Diocesan workers meets as a Coronavirus Task Group and issues a daily “Report”. It covers all aspects – spiritual, practical, medical etc. A short while ago, Bishop Julian spoke about the events of the deliverance of the Israelites in Exodus. God went before His people as they marched through the wilderness. They were not alone. In the same way he walked with Daniel 3.25 and in the valley of the shadow of death Psalm 23 v4, so He is present with us in all the suffering of this present crisis.As He transformed the wilderness wanderings by unexpected blessings – a guiding pillar, miraculous manna, a supply of water, a healing serpent – so He will equip us for the challenge of this wilderness, provide for us and enable us to keep going until we reach easier days. May the stories of how we have been sustained in the past bring us hope and confidence to follow where He leads us in these uncertain days.Archdeacon Mark spoke about the Israelites in exile suffering dislocation and isolation from their usual places of worship – ring a bell??Here is list of the readings designated for May:-3 May Easter 4 Acts 2 vv42-end Psalm 23 1 Peter 2 vv19-end John 10 vv 1-1010 Easter 5 Acts 7 vv55-end Psalm 31 1-5,15,16 1 Peter 2 vv2-10 John 14 vv 1-1417 Easter 6 Acts 17 vv22-31 Psalm 66 7-end 1 Peter 3 vv13-end John 14 vv15-21Thurs 21 Ascension Acts 1 vv1-11 Psalm 47 Ephes 1 vv15-end Luke 22 vv44-end24 Easter 7 Acts 1 vv6-14 Psalm 68 1-10,32-end 1 Peter 4 12-14 John 17 vv1-11 and 5 6-1131 Pentecost Acts 2 vv1-21 Psalm104 26-36 1 Cor 12 3-13 John20 vv19-23 To paraphrase an article seen recently:-NOT CANCELLED:-Going outdoors Hearing birdsongSeeing blossomEating and drinking (careful!)CookingReading a bookSharing with family and friends via technologySinging out loudLaughingPrayingSharing HOPE with othersLet’s EMBRACE what we have!!With every good wish to you all!Lorna and Pat