We have just one service on our group of parishes this Sunday, 28 February - the 2nd Sunday of Lent.11 am Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, in PresteigneCovid-related restrictions continue to be in place, which sadly means we have to ask those attending not to chat to one another before or after the service, inside or outside the cburch; you must wear a facemask unless exempt throughout the duration of the service, and sanitise your hands on arrival and departure; seating is distanced; there will be no singing; and Communion will be served in one kind only (wafers) from the chancel step. But as every, we welcome both regular members of our congregation and visitors.
We have just one service in our group of parishes on Sunday 21 February11 am Holy Communion (Common Worship) PresteigneThis service will mark the beginning of Lent. The usual Covid-secure precautions will be taken - we ask everyone attending to wear a face covering unless exempt, sanitise their hands on arrival, and not to chat to one another inside or outside the church before or after the service. We cannot sing hymns and wafers alone will be offered at Communion - but everyone is very welcome.
<div>9.15 am Holy Communion (Common Worship) Knill</div><div>11.00 Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer) PresteigneDon't forget that the rules about wearing masks, hand sanitising, not chatting to one another inside or outside church and distancing still apply at both churches, and we still cannot sing hymns. But you will be very welcome despite all that!The Collect and Readings for the day can be found eslewhere on this page.</div><div></div>
Once more we have just one service in our group of parishes thios Sunday, 7 February - the second Sunday before Lent. It will be a service of Holy Communion using the Common Worship liturgy, starting at 11 am in St Andrew's, Presteigne.Sadly we have to ask you not to mingle and chat to one another before or after the service, inside or outside. Everyone attending must wear a mask unless exempt, and sanitise their hands as they arrive. At the moment we cannot allow any singing, but we try to provide appropriate recorded music for each service. Despite all this, everyone is very welcome and it is good to see each other every week while we are allowed to do so.