Care of the Church

There are a considerable number of people who give up their time and talents to ensure the life of the church is maintained.  If you would like to offer any help please do not hesitate to contact those involved or speak to the Rector or church warden.

Flower Guild - Ann Butler-Smith 0118 9721871
A group of parishioners and friends of All Saints' led by Ann Butler-Smith arranges flowers for the church's weekly services as well as much more extensive displays for key festivals such as Christmas, Easter and harvest.  The PCC has a special fund set aside to meet this cost to which contributions can be made at anytime.  If you would like an arrangement in church for a special occasion or to remember a particular anniversary please contact Ann to discuss this.

Brass cleaning - Barbara Winnington 0118 9724874
This is done on a rota basis - contact Barbara if you would like to help.

All Saints' is proud of having a churchyard often commented on for its tidyness and smart upkeep.  Working parties are arranged for jobs as necessary along with regular grass cutting through the summer.