St Mary Magdalene Wethersfield

Welcome to St. Mary's, Wethersfield, a living church in an ancient building.

Prayer and worship have been offered in our lovely country church from Norman times to the present day. The Church is open for visitors everyday between 9am and 4pm. 

The church hosts the Community Pantry, both free and open to all. 

Please see the monthly newsletter for details of Christmas services. 

We hope to see you at our services. 

Get in touch

Ben Walmsley (07939 030 833) or David Seacombe (07801 868 278)

[email protected] / Wethersfield Hall, High Street, Wethersfield CM7 4BY

Church Warden
07939 030 833
What's on

Morning Prayer

Every Thursday at for 15 mins
St Mary Magdalene Wethersfield
High Street Wethersfield, CM7 4BY, United Kingdom

845am each Thursday. We would be glad to welcome you there.

Christmas services as follows, we hope you can make some of them: