St Elphin's


St Elphin's Church is open Saturday 10am - 12noon. Come and have a look around; have a moment of quiet or have a chat with someone. All welcome, always.

St. Elphin's is a Grade II* listed church with a spectacular 281 ft. tower and spire... a landmark for miles around! The church has borne witness to the enduring truth of the Christian Gospel and been a central part of community life in Warrington for many generations of worshippers. There has been a church on site since around 650 AD but the present building has grown from a 14th century core.

We are a friendly, open and welcoming parish who seek to reflect the love of God as we try to serve the needs of the people in the parish as well as the wider community of Warrington. St. Elphin's worship is mainly Holy Communion and vestments are worn. We hope that you will be able to join us for one of our services and look forward to welcoming you....

To contact the Church, please email: [email protected]

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Get in touch

Reverend Debbie Lovatt

What's on

Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Elphin's
Church Street Warrington W3W: ended.liability.exit, WA1 2TL, United Kingdom

Said Service of Holy Communion

St Elphin's Charity No. 1130867