St Peter's Church, Sark and Sark Methodist Church

There are two churches on beautiful island of Sark in the Channel Islands, one Church of England, one Methodist. St Peter's is the parish church, and is part of the Deanery of Guernsey. Sark Methodist Church is part of the Guernsey Circuit and Channel Islands Methodist District. The Revd. David Stolton, the Methodist presbyter, is the resident minister in Sark, and authorised to lead services at St Peter's Church as the minister in pastoral charge, as well as at the Methodist Church. He has an active role in caring for all the island's community and school, as well as welcoming and providing pastoral care and a welcome to visitors. All are very welcome, especially  visitors to Sark to our services at either church. Most Sunday's the service at St Peter's is at 11.15 a.m., but please check the diary for any changes. Currently there is no service on the 2nd Sunday in the month at St Peter's but folks are very welcome to join our Methodist service. Methodist services  are at 9.30 a.m., and on the third Sunday of the month this is a more informal "Breakfast Church" with a video and discussion time which has proved very popular, especially with visitors and families. When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, there is usually a united service at the Methodist Church at 11.15 m followed by a "bring and share" lunch, when we are able to enjoy fellowship together. Both churches are also open every day for quiet prayer or to light a candle and there are prayer request boxes in each church as well. The Methodist Chapel  benefits from The Sanctuary Centre behind the church which acts as a church hall and community facility for the whole island, from which much church community work happens including our monthly Marigold lunch, Saturday Children's Cinema and as a host for National Theatre Live Screenings. It is also available for small  conferences and retreats ( either guided or independent). Enquiries for hire, retreats or conferences can be made to the minister.

We warmly welcome all those who would like to be married or have their children Baptised or Christened at either church. Marriages may take place in either church or, unlike the UK, at any venue, beach or clifftop on our beautiful island ( with permission) including the small chapel at la Seigneurie. Revd. Stolton is also happy to offer same-sex marriages in the Methodist Church or elsewhere on island (but not yet in St Peter's church). We  are a inclusive churches and welcome all enquiries, which should, in the first instance be made to Revd. Stolton (07839700020).

The Dean of Guernsey, the Very Revd. Tim Barker, is also the Anglican priest in charge of Sark,  Revd. Howard Stringer is our Methodist Superintendent, and both periodically visit the island. 

Online Donations

Please help support our ministry and mission

Get in touch

The Revd David Stolton

Maison Rouge
Channel Islands

GY10 1SF
Methodist Minister in Pastoral Charge
01481 832743

Our website

What's on

Parents and toddlers ( and babies) group

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
Upstairs at The Sanctuary Centre
Upstairs at The Sanctuary Centre

A fun time for our little ones to play together and time to chat and relax for parents and carers. New time so that parents/carers can go straight from dropping older children at school.There are plenty of toys available, comfy sofas and coffee, everyone welcome. Our Minister often drops by to say helllo .

We have to renew our Electoral Roll members this year, the deadline is March 12th


Our parish of Sark, St Peter's and Sark Methodist Church are both committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the Island Constable (01481 832533) and Island Safeguarding Officer (07781105772)

St Peter's Church Safeguarding Information
St Peter's Church is committed to providing a safe place for everyone within our church community - and especially children, young people and vulnerable adults.
St Peter's follow the House of Bishops guidance and the safeguarding policies and guidance of Guernsey Deanery and the Diocese of Salisbury and has its own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO)- see below.

The Deanery Safeguarding Page which includes links to the Guernsey Safeguarding handbook, Deanery and Diocese contacts, Church of England Safeguarding principles and policies, information about the Church of England's Safer Spaces programme and information about the Past Cases Review can be found at
This link contains contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO.
If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the Deanery Safeguarding Officer [ Revd. Jon Honour 01481 724382] and the PSO [Mrs Belinda Dunks 01481 832926]

Sark Methodist Church
Sark Methodist Church follows the policies and guidance of The Methodist Church alongside the Guernsey Methodist Circuit and Channel Islands Methodist District. The church has its own Safeguarding Officer (see below)

Sark Methodist Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and ministry. Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will:
promote the welfare of children, young people and adults
work to prevent abuse from occurring
seek to protect and respond well to those that have been abused.

Guernsey Methodist Circuit's Safeguarding information can be found here:
The Methodist Church's Safeguarding pages can be found here:
this includes national church policy, past case reviews, support for survivors and links to organisations that can offer help and guidance.

If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact;
The Safeguarding Officer for Sark Methodist Church [Maggie Feibel 07781442436]
The Circuit Safeguarding Officer [Sarah Plumley 07781404871]
The District Safeguarding Officer [ Jane Fisher 07840 186814]

Full details of Safeguarding contacts and full policies for each church are also on the noticeboards at either of our island churches ,

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