St Bartholomew Church, Greens Norton

Greens Norton is large village with a population of around 1600 and which fortunately still has a Post Office / shop, local butchers, pub, community centre, Royal British Legion Club and a primary school . 

St Bartholomew's has a service every Sunday at 11:15am where you will find a warm welcome from the congregation.  If 11:15am is too late for you don't worry as there is always a weekly 9:15am service at one of the other services in the benefice.  

As benefice we are very active across our communities every day, with weekly Tots Groups, leading Collective Worship in our Primary School, supporting wellbeing in the local secondary school (Sponne School) based in Towcester, services and visiting at local residential and nursing homes, and as part of Churches Together in Towcester supporting the work of the Foodbank and Renew Wellbeing Cafe.  There are many other areas of community life in which the church plays it part and we have strong links with local groups and organisations including the Royal British Legion. 

We have a Children and Families Leader who works across the benefice leading seasonal family focused events.  During the week her main focus is split between the parishes of Greens Norton and Towcester. These are interactive and creative sessions where we encourage the whole family to take part and engage and reflect on faith for them and what spirituality means for them.

We have a benefice we have a small but dedicated Mother Union who alternate their meetings between Towcester and Greens Norton.

There are many highlights during the year so to find our more please look at our website, weekly mailing and Facebook page.

We produce a weekly email which is sent out Friday lunch time and includes details of that weekends services, reflection for the coming weekend, events and much more. To sing up for the mailing please use this link

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Get in touch

Revd Paula Challen

The Vicarage Chantry Lane Towcester Northants NN12 6YY

Our website

What's on

Holy Communion (BCP)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Bartholomew Church, Greens Norton
Towcester Road Greens Norton Northamptonshire, NN12 8BL, United Kingdom

This is Book of Common Prayer (no hymns)

Due to the current Pandemic we will be offer the following in April May and June


Our parish of Greens Norton: St Bartholomew is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Benefice Safeguarding Officer (PSO). Our Diocese of Peterborough’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO.

If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the BSO Stephanie Watts 0755 315 7175 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - click on the link below for up to date contact details.

If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.

Peterborough Diocese Safeguarding Website