Facilities and features


Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Assistance Dogs
Gluten-free refreshments
Wheelchair access

Our Building

Stained Glass

The church is Grade 1 listed.

A church of medieval origin, the east end retaining something of the pattern of a chancel (now north chapel with a surviving piscina in the south east corner) and a south chapel of about 1500 (now the chancel). The remainder of the building is 1724, comprising a nave and a north aisle of almost equal width, a porch (dated) and a western tower (dated 1735) attached to the north aisle; this work is by John James (a pupil of Wren). The interior is of 5 narrow bays, with a plain round-arched arcade on square piers, having simple bands and plinth. On the outside the brick walling has blue headers with red flush dressings, comprising jambs which continue upwards, intermediate verticals, with a diaper. a high plinth, and arches which have blue headers alternating. The round-headed windows have stone keys, impost blocks and cills. The tower has 3 main stages, marked by double projecting bands, a plinth, crenellated parapet and tapering pinnacles above panelled corners. The belfry stage has coupled openings in brick work within an arched frame, with brick keys and impost blocks. A cambered panel is in the centre stage and at the lower stage a similar panel (or window) above an arched recess. The corners of the nave/aisle are pilasters, and the main (west) gables has an arched panel below a brick dentil band at eaves level. The plain gabled porch, centred on the symmetrical elevation (south) of the nave has an arched entrance and similar details. The east end is rendered externally with corner brick buttresses and a 3-light window on the south side; the 2 east windows have 'restored Gothic' tracery. within there is a notable chancel screen (1730), designed as a Roman arcade of 3 bays in the Tuscan order. There are several C18 wall tablets, an alabaster female figure on a panelled tomb (c1860), a memorial font of 1867, and a Royal Coat of Arms on the west wall. Charles Kingsley was rector from 1844 to 1875.

Music and Worship

Service ringing is held every Sunday from 09:30 to 10:00.

We practice on a Wednesday night from 19:30 to 21:00.

Book of Common Prayer Services
Worship band

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Creation Cafe is held on Mondays from 14:00 to 17:00 in the Church Hall. All are welcome for cakes and drinks with or without 'work in progress'.

Lunch Club meets every Friday in term-time from 12-2pm in the Church Hall. This is a social gathering with lunch - hot soup, ploughmans lunch, cake, and tea or coffee - followed by an hour's talk and discussion, usually with a guest speaker.

Dog friendly

Other Features

We support Hart Foodbank which is held at our sister church on Mondays and Thursdays 13:30 to 15:00.
St. Barnabas Church, Brinns Lane, Darby Green, GU17 0BT

Audio-Visual Facilities
Hall for Hire