A message from Rev. Mandy Clampin

On Wednesday 25th September 2024 Rev. Amanda Clampin (or Rev. Mandy as she prefers to be addressed) was Instituted by the Rt. Rev. Simon Burton-Jones, Bishop of Tonbridge, and Inducted and Installed by the Venerable Sharon Copestake, Archdeacon of Tonbridge as Priest in Charge of the Bradbourne Benefice at a service held in Holy Trinity Church, Larkfield. The event was attended by members of the congregations of St. James the Great East Malling and Holy Trinity Larkfield (The Bradbourne Benefice) and the congregation of St. Edmund King and Martyr, West Kingsdown, the parish where Rev. Mandy had been curate for the past 3 years.  Members of the wider community were also represented by Tonbridge and Malling Councillor Roger Roud and the chairman of East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council, David Thornewell.  Members of the local uniformed groups were also represented by leaders from Holy Trinity Larkfield Scout Group, East Malling Sea Cadets and 1st East Malling Brownies.  Liz Simpson was present as a representative of community groups in the Benefice and Valerie Thornewell represented the East Malling and Larkfield Methodist church.  Rev. Mandy was offered greetings from all these organisations as well as from local clergy.  The service was followed by fizz and cake.

Rev. Mandy sent a message to all the parishioners of the Bradbourne Benefice which was delivered on Sunday 29th September at the Ecumenical Benefice service-

"I wish to say a massive Thank you to you all.  I am truly overwhelmed by the wonderful welcome that I received at my installation on Wednesday evening.  Me, my family and friends were all moved by your generosity, especially my mum and daughter, Caroline, who were brought close to tears by being given the most beautiful flowers.  That was such a thoughtful touch.  I also wish to Thank all those who worked so hard behind the scenes to make it such a memorable evening.  I am looking forward to celebrating Harvest with you at  East Malling on 6th October, but will be around in the parishes from Tuesday next week (1st October), so please do stop and say 'Hi' if you see me."