CollectAlmighty Father,whose Son was revealed in majestybefore he suffered death upon the cross:give us grace to perceive his glory,that we may be strengthened to suffer with himand be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever.AMEN
The Bishop of Rochester is delighted to announce that The Revd Nicky Rawlins is to be appointed the new Priest in Charge of the Benefice of Burham and Wouldham, with a plan to be licenced in the early Autumn.Nicky is married to Nigel with three adult children. From 2004 Nicky was a Reader at St Stephen’s Church, Chatham. Following her call to explore ordination, Nicky attended training at St Augustine’s College of Theology in West Malling and served her curacy at St Augustine’s Church in Gillingham. Nicky has most recently been Associate Vicar in the Victory Benefice, Gillingham.See the attached document for the full text of the announcement.
This is an informal friendly group all wanting to explore, discuss and share thoughts together about Jesus’s teachings. We are very keen to welcome anyone interested in joining us monthly on the first Wednesday of each month. It is so important to have a wide variety of views and ideas. If you feel this is for you please have a word with Heather, John, Dennis or Sandy or just come along to Heather and Johns home on the night..
All Saints Church, Wouldham Notice to Churchyard Users Date: 11 :09: 2023 Dear Churchyard Users, RE: Plastic-Free Churchyard Initiative We hope this notice finds you well. At All Saints Church, Wouldham, we take pride in maintaining our beautiful churchyard as a place of peace and tranquillity for all members of our community. In line with our commitment to environmental sustainability, we are introducing a Plastic-Free Churchyard Initiative. Effective immediately, we kindly request all churchyard users to refrain from placing any plastics in the graveyard. This includes items such as plastic flowers, mementoes, or any other plastic materials. Why the Change? We understand that plastic flowers and mementoes have been a traditional way of commemorating loved ones in the churchyard. However, as we strive to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet, we must adapt our practices accordingly. Plastic pollution has become a significant global issue, and our churchyard can play a part in addressing this problem. By avoiding the use of plastics in our churchyard, we can help protect our local environment and wildlife, as well as set an example for others in our community. What Can You Use Instead? We encourage churchyard users to consider more sustainable alternatives to plastic flowers and mementoes, such as fresh flowers, biodegradable materials, or planting a tree or shrub in memory of a loved one. These choices not only honour the memory of those we have lost but also support a greener and cleaner environment. Your Cooperation Is Essential The success of this Plastic-Free Churchyard Initiative depends on the cooperation of all churchyard users. We kindly request your understanding and support as we make this positive change for our environment. If you have any questions or need guidance on eco-friendly alternatives, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your understanding and for joining us in this important effort to care for our churchyard and the planet. Yours sincerely, All Saints Church, Wouldham Website: Please help us protect our environment by avoiding plastics in our churchyard. Thank you for your cooperation.