UpChat Cafe St Philip & St James

Every Friday at for 1 hour
Upnor: St Philip & St James
Upnor Road Upnor Rochester, ME2 4GZ, United Kingdom

Intergenerational Coffee Morning
All are welcome to join us for coffee and chat

St Philip & St James Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Upnor: St Philip & St James
Upnor Road Upnor Rochester, ME2 4GZ, United Kingdom

Service of Holy Communion


Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Upnor: St Philip & St James
Upnor Road Upnor Rochester, ME2 4GZ, United Kingdom

A family worship experience open to all
Craft, music, activities and refreshments

Clothes Swapping Event

for 3 hours

Our February Clothes Swapping Event is on Saturday 1 February, 10am-1pm in the Parish Hall.
You are invited to bring up to 10 items of clean, good quality clothing to be swapped for something new to you. Games, books and small toys are also accepted. At this event we will also be running a fun Christmas Present Amnesty tombola with unwanted Christmas presents donated put into a charity fund-raising Tombola. You are then invited to buy a ticket to win a prize (if successful) of your choice. There will also be refreshments offered (free of charge, donations accepted) with space for you to chat and wait for “new” items coming in during the morning.

Donations received will be sent to One Big Family – Helping the Homeless.

According to WRAP’s ‘Valuing our clothes’ report:
* around 30% of clothing in our wardrobes has not been worn for at least a year
* an estimated £140 million worth (about 350,000 tonnes) of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK each year
* extending the average life of clothes by just three months would lead to a 5-10% reduction in each of the carbon, water and waste footprints.
(Source: http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/valuing- our-clothes) So by taking part in this event you will not only have the opportunity to update your own wardrobe and indulge in a little cash-free retail therapy, you’ll be extending the useful life of your clothing and helping the environment!

St Philip & St James Morning Prayer

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Upnor: St Philip & St James
Upnor Road Upnor Rochester, ME2 4GZ, United Kingdom

Service of the Word

Candlemas Evensong

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Frindsbury: All Saints
Frindsbury Frindsbury Rochester, ME2 4HE, United Kingdom

A Service of Evensong with All Saints Singers

St Philip & St James Holy Communion BCP

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Upnor: St Philip & St James
Upnor Road Upnor Rochester, ME2 4GZ, United Kingdom

Holy Communion BCP