Christingle and Toy service

for 1 hour
Stoke: St Peter & St Paul
The Street, Upper Stoke Upper Stoke Rochester, ME3 9RT, United Kingdom

there is a christingle and toy service at St Peter and St Paul church upper stoke on Sunday December the 1st at 3pm. All donations of toys will go to Demelza House.

Stoke: St Peter & St Paul

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Reverend Christine Allen

Priest in Charge
What's on

Christingle and Toy service

for 1 hour
Stoke: St Peter & St Paul
The Street, Upper Stoke Upper Stoke Rochester, ME3 9RT, United Kingdom

there is a christingle and toy service at St Peter and St Paul church upper stoke on Sunday December the 1st at 3pm. All donations of toys will go to Demelza House.