Christmas Day Service

for 1 hour
Allhallows: All Saints Church
All Saints Church Stoke Road Allhallows, Rochester, ME3 9PF, United Kingdom

This year we are very fortunate to be host to Rev Dr Johnathan Gibbs (The Bishop of Rochester), come along and join us, all welcome at 10m in All Saints Church, Allhallows.

High Halstow - St Margaret's

Situated in the beautiful village of High Halstow we are part of the Parish of High Halstow with Allhallows & St. Mary Hoo which is a combination of three ancient parishes dating back over 1000 years.

Our Church is beautiful building, full of history but Church to us means family and we are always looking to grow. And we would love to welcome you to that family.  Please come and visit us.

Get in touch

Rev tbc

The Rectory, Cooling Road, High Halstow, Rochester ME3 8SA

Rev. Nicholas Cooper: Area Dean
01634 717580
Church Warden
250105 or 256185

Our website

What's on

Christmas Day Service

for 1 hour
Allhallows: All Saints Church
All Saints Church Stoke Road Allhallows, Rochester, ME3 9PF, United Kingdom

This year we are very fortunate to be host to Rev Dr Johnathan Gibbs (The Bishop of Rochester), come along and join us, all welcome at 10m in All Saints Church, Allhallows.


Parish Safeguarding Officer -
Mrs Margaret Ryan
[email protected]
[email protected]

Diocesan Safeguarding Team -
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor
01634 560000
[email protected]

The Church of England, its archbishops, bishops, clergy and leaders are committed to Safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church.

Safeguarding means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will promote the welfare of children, young people and adults, work to prevent abuse from occurring, seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused. We will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.

The Church of England affirms the 'Whole Church' approach to Safeguarding. This approach encompasses a commitment to consistent policy and practice across all Church bodies, Church Officers and that everyone associated with the Church, who comes into contact with children, young people and adults, has a role to play.

The Church will take appropriate steps to maintain a safer environment for all and to practice fully and positively Christ's Ministry towards children, young people and adults; to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to keep them safe from harm.

Support for victims and survivors -

NSPCC:0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
Stop it now: 0808 1000 900
NAPAC: 0808 801 0331
Samaritans: 116 123
Family Lives; 0808 800 2222
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Men's Advice Line: 0808 8010 327
National Careline: 0800 0699 784

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