Facilities and features


We are delighted to confirm our toilet is now up and running within the church

Available within our new toilet

High Street car parking or public car park further beyond

Completed in March 2024

Moveable ramps available to assist throughout the building and path now improved for wheel chair/push chair, etc access


We have printed off various service sheets into larger print and purchased a new larger print NIV Bible

We encourage this

Our Building

We are open every Sunday from 10.30
Further times will be added when known

The 3 stunning three stained glass windows are dated 1906

Until we can offer better facilities - this is being offer within our partnership with the URC at the Chapel, Chapel Road ME3 0BZ on Thursday afternoons but watch this space now works are coming to completion

Grade 1 listed

Music and Worship

Our previous 'bell master' has moved on but we hope the group will continue to practise here - we are also popular with bell ringing groups from as far a field as Scotland
We sing using an iPad but have recently taken delivery of an electric organ so more options will be available soon

As stated we have recently taken delivery of an electric organ so more options will be available soon

Groups, Courses and Activities

These run on a Wednesday from 11.00 am

Our local Brownie Troupe are regular helpers at all our events and will look to use the building more now works are comple

We open every Monday from 11.00 to supply cuppas to the wHoo Cares Walk and Talk group - but all are welcome

We open for an hour every Wednesday (during term time) at 9.00 with young Parents and their children. A chance for a chat, discuss issues, swap items, let the children play and enjoy a cuppa

Help for Visitors

These will soon be available so 'watch this space'

Small guide books are available but a new version is in the process of being created

We are open on a Monday from 11.00 to 13.00 to view and enjoy a cuppa

Dogs are welcome when viewing the church but please check if anyone has allergies

Other Features

A box is available in the porch of the church as well as another at the Chapel/library in Chapel Road ME3 0BZ

A projector and screen and PA system are available within the building