Meeting to choose churchwardens & APCM.
- Occurring
- for 30 mins
- Venue
- Church Hall
- Address Church Hall, Rochester Road Cuxton, ME2 1AF, United Kingdom
Meeting to Elect Churchwardens (formerly Vestry Meeting) & Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting
These will take place on Saturday 27th April at 10.00 at the Church Hall Cuxton. If you are already on the Electoral Roll, you need do nothing this year. If not and you would like to be on the Electoral Roll (and are 16 or older, baptized, resident in the parish or a regular worshipper in one of our churches), please speak to Joyce Haselden. You need to be confirmed and a least 21 to be a churchwarden and 16 and confirmed to be on the PCC. Unless you are under 18, you cannot stand for election to the PCC until you have been on the Electoral Roll for at least six months. Please consider prayerfully whether you ought to stand for either of these offices or to be a sidesman.
Given the strong likelihood of my retirement at the end of November this year, the parish will have certain rights and responsibilities with regard to future pastoral arrangements and the appointment of my successor. These are mainly discharged through churchwardens & PCC. So it is even more important than usual to elect the right people for these offices this year.