About Us
A very warm welcome to St Justus, Rochester, a vibrant Christian community serving the people of the Dickens Estate and Warren Wood area of Rochester.
<span style="font-size: 1rem;">There's always loads going on at St Justus. From Toddler Groups, Community Cafe, Kids Clubs, Youth groups and lots more, there's plenty to get involved with whatever age.</span>
Services are held at 10.30am every Sunday and are relaxed, friendly and intergenerational, creating a sense of belonging. It's a great place to meet together as a community to worship God through sung worship, insightful teaching, and prayer ministry.
Every first Sunday of the month at 3:45pm we have our Messy Church Service, which is a great place to come as a family, especially those with young children who like learning through arts, crafts and a games. We finish up with a meal together in the hall, so all you need to do when you get home with the little ones is put them to bed!
If you'd like any more info on any aspect of life here at St Justus then do get in touch!
[email protected] or <span style="font-size: 1rem;">[email protected]</span>
<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Our mission statement is “Valuing all, building one another up in faith, sharing the love of Jesus”</span>