ECO Church

The PCC and the whole congregation are committed to care for God's creation. We are also committed to achieve the Church of England's target of Net Zero Carbon by 2030.  

As such we have joined Eco Church at the start of 2024. Eco Church is a learning community of churches of all shapes and sizes open to all denominations. It provides a framework to support churches and its leadership to take practical action on caring for God’s earth, through the Eco Church survey. The survey covers five key areas of church life:

- Worship and teaching
- Buildings
- Land
- Community and global engagement
- Lifestyle

We achieved the Bronze Award in April 2024 and our Silver Award in January 2025. 

The recent replacement of the original (1976)  gas fired convection heaters in the Church Centre with modern efficient electrical radiant heaters has both improved the response, controllability and efficiency of heating in the building for the benefit of all our users but it has also reduced the carbon footprint. 

There are also lots of smaller things across the site, which reduces our impact and supports nature, like better recycling, composting, bird feeders, a bug hotel, rainwater collection to name a few.

More information and resources are available on the ECO Church website

We-Are-Eco-Church-Help-us-reach-Gold-A4, PDF
