Calling All Knitters

Wendys_Body_Image_Monsters.pdf Download
WORRY_MONSTER_2021.pdf Download

Do you have time on your hands and the ability to knit? Would you like to knit these special therapy toys for young children?

A worry monster is designed to discuss and reduce worries. Children write or draw their worry onto a piece of paper and then feed it to their worry monster. Once the monster has eaten it, the worry can then be discussed and shared with an adult. There are also self image monsters to help children work through these issues.

We are calling on all knitters to get involved in knitting these for donation to Walk Tall's Children's Therapy. Ann Duke, CEO of Walk Tall, says 'Our child-specialist psychotherapists use them. Each child is given their own Worry Monster. It then becomes the child's friend and, as part of the therapeutic process, gobbles up all their worries. We have so many little Twinkles (from 3 years old upwards!!) who are in therapy because of the trauma/abuse/neglect they've suffered. The Worry Monsters are SO useful in externalising internal states.'

If you would like to knit these for donation to Walk Tall Children's Therapy,  then the patterns are attached. Or why not come along to St Peter and St Paul's Knit and Natter group on the first Tuesday of every month, from 2pm-4pm. Wool can be supplied. Please contact Revd Charlie if you would like more information.