After lots of work across the five areas (Worship & Teaching, Buildings, Land, Community & Global Engagement, Lifestyle) the Church has just been awarded its Silver Award from Eco Church. This recognises all the efforts made to reduce our impact on the environment and improve nature across the church and church centre sites.A major step has been the replacement of the old 1970s gas convection heaters from the hall with new electric radiant heaters supplied with electricity generated or offset from offshore wind. This results in both a cleaner, more efficient and controllable system for the users but also reduces the carbon footprint of heating this large building.If you are interested to know more, please speak to the wardens and see if you can help us progress towards the Gold award.
What a joyful morning Revd Charlie had welcoming three Reception classes from Manor School to the Church.She shared with them the story of the greatest gift we have ever received - Jesus Christ, born to Mary and Joseph and how He was the Saviour of the world.The children enjoyed creating the Nativity scene and singing along to 'We Wish you a Merry Christmas'.