Facilities and features
One male and one female toilet available within the building.
In the village hall car park on a Sunday, or surrounding roads. School playground available for accessible parking - just ask if it’s not open!
In school playground in Church Street but this is kept locked so please ask if you need to park nearer the church.
At the end of Church Street.
Removable, adjustable ramp although forward notification would be helpful, to avoid a delay in setting up the ramp.
We have a large print hymn book available on request.
Please let your preference be known in advance if at all possible.
There is wheelchair access but forward notification would be helpful, to avoid a delay in setting up the ramp.
Our Building
On Tuesday mornings, 9.00 until 12.00
There are sixteen stained glass windows in St Nicholas, many of which were replaced in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.
The historic category of Saint Nicholas is a Grade 1 listed building. It is a 14th Century building, with some restoration in 1867, built of flint and ragstone with a west tower.
Music and Worship
There is a magnificent sounding organ which is played at services regularly 3 Sundays a month.
Every Sunday, at 8.00
Every Sunday the services are accompanied by a choir of up to 10 members.
Groups, Courses and Activities
By arrangement, please contact the church warden.
House group meetings are held regularly, please contact the church warden for further details.
Help for Visitors
Leaflets can be collected inside the church on various aspects of church history and the services offered i.e. Baptisms and Weddings.
The church is open to visitors every Tuesday from 9am to 12 noon, whilst the gardening team are busy tending to the graveyard.
Other Features
The church has a splendid sound system and also offers sermons/pictures and/or words on a large overhead screen.