Safeguarding - children and vulnerable adults

We take very seriously the safety and welfare of those to whom we minister; this includes safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. As part of this concern we have personnel responsible for safeguarding and have adopted the Church of England’s safeguarding policy. You can view a copy of it here: Promoting a Safer Church (the policy document).

You can find more information:

By contacting the Vicar 01474 822239 [email protected] 

By visiting the diocesan web site: Safeguarding

By visiting the Church of England web site safeguarding section.

If you believe a child is at immediate risk you should contact the police by dialling 999. Otherwise concerns about suspected abuse or other concerns should be made to the Vicar or as advised in the Diocese's Victim/Survivor support page.

If you are not satisfied by the way your concern is handled by us or want contacts outside the parish please refer to the diocesan web site safeguarding pages (see above) which have contact details for its safeguarding personnel.