All Age Worship

Every Second Sunday at for 50 mins
St Margaret's Church
St Margaret's Church, Church Road Ifield Gravesend DA13 9AR

Start time 3pm October-November and January - March
2nd Sunday in December : Carol Service, 5 pm

Ifield: St Margaret


We are a small friendly group of local people, who love to worship in this beautiful and ancient Church. We try to be welcoming and to get to know you if you're a visitor - everyone's story is so interesting. We don't do formality or stand on ceremony - when things go wrong (not infrequently!) we can laugh about it. God gives joy, doesn't He?

Our Priest in Charge is Rev Ted Hurst, who is also Priest in Charge of Gravesend Holy Family and Vicar of Shorne.  Please direct any enquiries about baptisms, funerals, weddings, reading of banns,  interments of ashes, etc. to Ted on 01474 822239, or email [email protected].  

We aim to adhere fully to National and Diocesan safeguarding policies and procedures: for details of these please go to If you have a concern please contact Mrs Carey Laughland on 01474 561483. Or you could ring Mr Greg Barry the Diocesan safeguarding officer on 01634 560000. Childline's number is 0800 1111. If someone is in immediate danger please phone 999.

The Church is open for Sunday Services, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms and other occasional services.

Covid-19 restrictions have ended, so we can sing hymns again!

•  Face coverings and social distancing are at your discretion;  hand sanitiser is available in the porch if you wish to use it

• NHS Track & Trace ask that everyone continues to record contact details on the list in the porch or to 'check in' via the app and QR code poster.

Please keep praying for God's mercy and healing for those still most vulnerable, those suffering from Covid-19 or its after effects, those who have lost their jobs, and the homeless.

Tea and coffee are usually served after the All Age service on 2nd Sunday of the month, and on special occasions.

There are books and other items for children on the back pew under gallery.

We are proud to hold the Eco Church Bronze award by A Rocha!  For more details on their important work go to

Get in touch

Rev Ted Hurst

The Vicarage, Butchers Hill,
Shorne, Gravesend,

DA12 3EB
What's on

All Age Worship

Every Second Sunday at for 50 mins
St Margaret's Church
St Margaret's Church, Church Road Ifield Gravesend DA13 9AR

Start time 3pm October-November and January - March
2nd Sunday in December : Carol Service, 5 pm