Safeguarding Arrangements
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and we regard it as our Christian duty to do all we can to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone who comes to St Aidan's church.
We have a Parish Safeguarding Officer who has oversight of safeguarding matters alongside the Vicar. The PCC members undergo training in safeguarding and each PCC meeting includes a safeguarding update. We are committed to Safer Recruitment in the parish. Contact details:
Parish Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Janet Trevor
01474 352230
Fr Michael Payne
01474 352500
If you are concerned about something you have experienced in a church, now or in the past, or you are worried about another person - perhaps a vulnerable adult or a child – there are people you can talk to and you will be taken seriously. You can contact the Diocese of Rochester’s Safeguarding team on 01634 560 000 or visit their webpage at: Recognising that this may not feel safe for those with a lived experience of abuse from within the church, a dedicated telephone helpline, operated independently from the church, by the NSPCC, is available. Calls can be made free on 0800 80 20 20
Other safeguarding contacts:
Childline 0800 1111
NSPCC (general helpline) 0808 800 5000
Stop It Now 0808 1000 900
Samaritans 116 123