St Peter’s Bredhurst Churchyard Consultation


We are extremely grateful to everyone who has responded to our announcement regarding the Churchyard Consultation and who has confirmed their connection to a loved one buried in the churchyard at St Peter’s, Bredhurst. We know that for some, engaging with this process even at this early stage, has been an emotional experience for them, so we thank them again for their participation, which has allowed us to update our records. This is a very important part of the process, as we want to be able to consult with as many next of kin as we can.

We are doing this so we can ensure that the consultation – which is about possible changes to the Churchyard Regulations - is as fair and as representative as possible.

It is clear that we still have a number of next of kin still to trace, and so we are extending the deadline for people to register their details with us until the 30 October, 2020. If you have a relative or friend whose remains rest in the churchyard and you are, or know the next of kin, please ask them to contact the Parish Office either by email, telephone or post, in order for us to compile a register of addresses. [We will then be able to move to the next stage of the process, which will involve sending out consultation packs to all those with a confirmed interest.]

Please contact Viv Fuller (Parish Administrator)

Email: [email protected]

01634 231736 Parish Office,

St Matthew's Church, Drewery Drive, Wigmore,

Gillingham, ME8 0NX

For more information about the churchyard, please see the file attached to this news story.