High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
Volunteer group from the community who give time to maintain the churchyard. Equipment provided. Weather dependant. Fresh air, exercise and good company. Includes a break for coffee. New volunteers always welcome - variety of tasks to suit all.
Weather Dependant - meet outside Millennium Centre
Churchyard Maintenance Group
Every Saturday at 9 a.m. for 3 hours
Churchyard Maintenance Group
Every Saturday at 9 a.m. for 3 hours
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High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
This is a weekly service with a mixture of traditional hymns and modern song, laced with liturgy. All age holy communion - first Sunday of the month.
What to Expect at St Margaret’s Church If you’re thinking about coming to St Margaret’s for the first time, we want to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Whether you’ve been to church before or this is entirely new to you, we’re here to welcome you.
Arriving at Church When you arrive for our 10.30am Sunday Holy Communion Service, one of our friendly welcomers will greet you at the door. They’ll be happy to help with anything you need. On your right-hand side, as you come in, you’ll find the toilets and a small kitchenette. If at any point you’d like a drink, feel free to help yourself or ask a welcomer — they’re here to assist.
Seating There’s no reserved seating at St Margaret’s — you’re free to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. Most seating is in traditional pews, but we also have tables and chairs at the back of the church if that suits you better. If you use a mobility scooter, don’t worry, you’re welcome to bring it in with you.
For Families with Young Children We love having children in our church, so please don’t worry if they make noise or move around — they’re very much part of our community! If you have babies or preschoolers, we have toys at the back of the church to keep them entertained, and you’re welcome to breastfeed anywhere. If you’d prefer a quiet, private space, just let us know, and we’ll be happy to arrange that for you.
For primary-aged children, we run the 252 Kids Club every Sunday during the service. This takes place in the Millennium Centre, the building on your right as you come in from the Cricketers Car Park.
The Service Our Holy Communion Service lasts around 1 hour and 10 minutes and follows a structure that’s easy to follow, whether you’re familiar with it or not. Everything you need will be in the service booklet or displayed on the screen at the front. If the words are in bold type, that’s your cue to join in with everyone else; the other words will be said by the person leading the service.
Here’s what you can expect during the service:
The service begins with a traditional hymn, led by our robed choir, with the words displayed on the screen. After the first Bible reading (which you can follow in the pew Bibles), we sing two contemporary worship songs. Following the exchange of peace, we sing another contemporary worship song. During Communion, our robed choir will sing, and then the service will close with another traditional hymn led by the choir.
What to Wear There’s no dress code at St Margaret’s — come as you are, and wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
Watch Previous Services If you’d like to get a feel for what our services are like, you can watch previous services via our website. This will give you a good sense of what happens during a Sunday service.
After the Service Once the service has ended, there’s a chance to enjoy refreshments and meet new friends. We’d love to have a chat with you, so feel free to stay and get to know us.
We look forward to welcoming you to St Margaret’s!
High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
XP3 XP3 Group Weekly term time 7pm – 8.30pm Youth Ministry
(The name is linked with the three experiences we would like for the young people, Love for God, for themselves, and for others. Deeper faith, wiser choices, and stronger relationships.)
XP3 Group is our Monday evening group for secondary school aged young people.
We meet during term time from 7pm – 8.30pm in the church.
Term time only.
Every Monday at 7 p.m. for 1 hour, 30 mins
Every Monday at 7 p.m. for 1 hour, 30 mins
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High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
A place of welcome, information and support for all in the Rainham community, working in partnership with other agencies, community providers and locals. Cereal and toast. Toys and games for children to play with. All welcome. INCLUDES COMMUNITY LARDER - JUST SAY HELLO FOOD PROJECT
CITIZENS ADVICE attend The Community Hub on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesdays. 9am -11am WALK – IN SERVICE.
Community Hub
Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. for 2 hours
Community Hub
Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. for 2 hours
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Community Larder - Just Say Hello Project and Community Hub
Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St. Margaret's, Rainham
High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
The Just Say Hello Food Project Helping local people in crisis – Take what you need – Leave what you can
Our Community Fridge and Larder is run by a team of friendly volunteers and is open on Tuesdays 9-11am with Community Hub, and Thursdays 10am-12pm. During these times, Rainham residents are welcome to come along to collect some food and toiletries. We don’t require a voucher and all are welcome; we just need to record some basic details to ensure that the larder is being used fairly.
The aim of the larder is threefold: to help local people with food insecurity, to reduce food waste, and to benefit our community by also helping reduce loneliness and isolation. We strive to keep a safe, non-judgmental space where visitors are welcome to stay for a cup of tea and a chat, can take part in the groups running in Church at the same time, and can also access further support in-house, for example, from Citizens’ Advice on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also have a list of other organisations offering food and other support that we are happy to share.
We always welcome donations for our Community Fridge, and particularly need UHT milk, tinned meat, fish and vegetables, tea/coffee, cereals and toiletries. These can be dropped off at Church, and we just ask that donations are prior to Best Before and Use By dates.
We also provide emergency food parcels for those in crisis, and run various projects throughout the year, including Easter basket raffles to raise money for the larder, and Christmas dinner hampers to ensure local families have access to a good meal over the festive break.
All information is shared on the Church’s social media, and if you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected].
Community Larder - Just Say Hello Project and Community Hub
Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. for 2 hours
Community Larder - Just Say Hello Project and Community Hub
Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. for 2 hours
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This is an opportunity to spend time studying the Bible together in more detail than we are able to do on a Sunday. We meet weekly on a Tuesday evening in an informal setting, usually someone’s home, where a study is lead and together we explore the insights given to us by the Holy Spirit. The studies are usually delivered on themes, and to get the most from it it is probably best to attend all of the studies on that theme, but the studies also stand alone. Each session starts at 19.00 and aims to finish before 21.00.
Whilst the studies require no great Biblical knowledge or insight they do seek to look deeply into God’s word.
If you are interested in attending or would like more detail please catch up with Terry Whittaker, either face to face or by email on [email protected]
Please contact the church office for more details of venue.
Bible Study
Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. for 2 hours
Bible Study
Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. for 2 hours
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High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
Midweek Communion Join us for a quiet and reflective midweek Communion service held each week in the peaceful setting of the chapel at St Margaret’s Church. This smaller, more intimate service offers a time for personal reflection, prayer, and sharing communion. Whether you are seeking a moment of stillness in your week or a deeper connection with God, all are welcome to participate.
Midweek Wednesday Communion
Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. for 30 mins
Midweek Wednesday Communion
Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. for 30 mins
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Active and Wellbeing Group Wednesday 12 noon in church
Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St. Margaret's, Rainham
High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
A fun and interactive group for community health and wellbeing, encompassing physical activity and education for future independence. Aimed at older populations and those with health and mobility conditions. Cost is a £3 contribution which goes back into the group’s funding pot for future classes and equipment. Refreshments are provided
Overcome Achieve Prosper
Active and Wellbeing Group Wednesday 12 noon in church
Every Wednesday at noon for 2 hours
Active and Wellbeing Group Wednesday 12 noon in church
Every Wednesday at noon for 2 hours
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High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
Our prayer group meets in the Tufton Chapel every Thursday morning from 9.30 to 10am. Do come along if you’re free – you will be very welcome! The group includes friends from other local churches and we often focus on praying for Rainham. There is no pressure to pray out loud or spontaneously. Some people prefer to pray in silence or to read a prayer they have written down. God hears all our prayers, whether spoken aloud or offered in the silence of our hearts. When we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, even for needs that cannot be put into words (Romans 8:26).
Prayer Group
Every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. for 30 mins
Prayer Group
Every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. for 30 mins
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High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
Small Groups The church currently has three small groups which meet weekly. These are belonging groups where we look out for each other, share, look at the Bible or a theme and just spend time together. They are a great opportunity to get to know a group of people, socialise and have some fun too. Our current groups meet on a Monday Evening at someone’s home, a Tuesday late morning in church and a Thursday afternoon in someone’s home. We appreciate that these times may not work for everyone and if you are interested but these days and times do not work then please be in touch as we are always looking to see if a new group needs forming.
If you have any questions, would like more detail or are interested in attending one of our Small Groups then please catch up with Terry Whittaker, either face to face or by email on [email protected]
Small Group Thursday Group
Every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. for 1 hour, 30 mins
Small Group Thursday Group
Every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. for 1 hour, 30 mins
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Every Second, Fourth Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St. Margaret's, Rainham
High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
Small Groups The church currently has three small groups which meet weekly. These are belonging groups where we look out for each other, share, look at the Bible or a theme and just spend time together. They are a great opportunity to get to know a group of people, socialise and have some fun too. Our current groups meet on a Monday Evening at someone’s home, a Tuesday late morning in church and a Thursday afternoon in someone’s home. We appreciate that these times may not work for everyone and if you are interested but these days and times do not work then please be in touch as we are always looking to see if a new group needs forming.
If you have any questions, would like more detail or are interested in attending one of our Small Groups then please catch up with Terry Whittaker, either face to face or by email on [email protected]
Please contact the church office for more details.
Small Groups Tuesday Group
Every Second, Fourth Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. for 1 hour, 30 mins
Small Groups Tuesday Group
Every Second, Fourth Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. for 1 hour, 30 mins
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High Street
Gillingham, ME8 8AN, United Kingdom
Mothers' Union is a Worldwide organisation founded in 1876 by Mary Sumner who was the wife of a rector in Hampshire. The aim was to support local women and later, to give voice to the disadvantaged whilst addressing wider social issues. Today there are Mothers' Union branches in 83 countries with 4 million members worldwide. The focus of many groups is to help communities change lives for the better by working to combat poverty, injustice, inequality and violence. Prayer is at the heart of the MU mission. Our branch at St Margaret's will be 90 years old in 2025. We have 15 members and meet at least once a month for fellowship and support. We also donate to local good causes, are involved in many church events be it cake baking, decorating a Christmas tree in MU colours or flower arranging. If you would like to know more please contact the church office or email [email protected]
Variety of events
Mother's Union
Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. for 45 mins
Mother's Union
Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. for 45 mins
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Small Groups The church currently has three small groups which meet weekly. These are belonging groups where we look out for each other, share, look at the Bible or a theme and just spend time together. They are a great opportunity to get to know a group of people, socialise and have some fun too. Our current groups meet on a Monday Evening at someone’s home, a Tuesday late morning in church and a Thursday afternoon in someone’s home. We appreciate that these times may not work for everyone and if you are interested but these days and times do not work then please be in touch as we are always looking to see if a new group needs forming.
If you have any questions, would like more detail or are interested in attending one of our Small Groups then please catch up with Terry Whittaker, either face to face or by email on [email protected]
Please contact the church office for more details.
Small Groups Monday Group
Every Second, Fourth Monday at 7 p.m. for 2 hours
Small Groups Monday Group
Every Second, Fourth Monday at 7 p.m. for 2 hours
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