Good Friday
- Occurring
- for 5 hours
- Venue
- Gillingham: St Barnabas
- Address Nelson Road Gillingham, ME7 4ST, United Kingdom
- St Mary's "The Church on the green"
- Address Gillingham Green Gillingham, ME7 1SS, United Kingdom
We spend Good Friday together. We begin with a children workshop and worship at 11am in St Barnabas. We then have a packed lunch together before walking down to St Marys leaving St Barnabas at 2pm. There is a service at the foot of the cross in St Mary's starting at 3pm. This will be followed by tea and fellowship. People drop in and out of the day as is best for them.
Good Friday
29 Mar 2024, 11 a.m. for 5 hours
Good Friday
29 Mar 2024, 11 a.m. for 5 hours