Sunday Morning Prayer

Every Sunday at for 20 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our day's worship begins with said Morning Prayer, usually from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

Sunday Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our main act of worship each week, when we gather to hear God's Word proclaimed, and to receive Holy Communion. We use the modern-language form of service, with a modicum of traditional Catholic ceremonial to foster a sense of the mystery of the Mass. We usually sing a mixture of traditional and more modern hymns, together with a simple congregational Mass setting, led by our cantor(s) and volunteer organist/pianist.

Children and young people are encouraged to stay for the whole service, as it is not possible to have a separate Sunday School at present. For young families, there is a 'safe space' especially for them, with room to move around.

The Ministry of Christian Healing is available by arrangement with Father Garry, as is the Sacrament of Reconciliation (aka Confession).

Sunday Evening Prayer & Benediction

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A short service of Evening Prayer, usually concluding with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. (Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament is available, if you've missed Mass earlier in the day - please speak to whoever is leading the service).

Mid-Morning Mass (not on 10th October)

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday at for 25 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

An opportunity to share in a quiet mid-morning service, held in one or other of the various chapels within the church.

Afternoon Mass

Every Tuesday at for 25 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A short late-afternoon service in one of our various chapels.

Early-Morning Mass (not on 9th October)

Every Wednesday at for 20 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A Mass for the early-birds (!).

Saturday Mass

Every Saturday at for 25 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A short, said service, usually held in the Lady Chapel (the one in the picture - with a number of furnishings and fittings by Sir Ninian Comper, no less). The Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham meets each month, and dates of Cell Masses are usually published on the weekly pew-sheet.

Mass of Our Lady of Walsingham

for 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

At today's Walsingham Cell Mass we pray especially for the Shrine in Norfolk, and we mark the eve of the translation of the image of Our Lady to the restored Shrine. All are welcome, and there are refreshments after the service.

Community Cafe & Stalls

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A good place to meet friends and neighbours, a good time to pick up a bargain - bric-a-brac, toys, gifts, clothes, books - and to enjoy lunch, brunch, and other tasty refreshments. Admission FREE!

Youth Club

for 2 hours
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our monthly Youth Club, with a variety of games and craft activities, meets again today. The event usually includes a short seasonal act of worship in the Church. Ages 7-12 welcome - qualified DBS-checked staff supervising. Parents/carers are also welcome to stay for all or part of each event.

Patronal Festival Mass

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

We mark the Feast of St Luke the Evangelist - our Patronal Festival - on the nearest Sunday, but we invite visitors from other churches to join us if they can. We welcome Prebendary David Houlding SCC as preacher, and there will be a *Bring and Share* lunch after the service!

GSS Annual Requiem Mass

for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our special evening Mass today is the annual Requiem for members of the local Chapter of the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (Chapter of St. Cyprian). The celebrant and preacher is Father Andrew Davis.

All are welcome, and there are refreshments after the service.

All Souls' Day Requiem Mass

for 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

At today's service we remember before God departed members of our own congregation, along with family members, friends, or neighbours, who have died. The names of those to be commemorated will be read out during the service. Please let Father Garry know if there's anyone whose name you would like added to the list.

All Saints Sunday

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

We celebrate All Saints - The Church Triumphant - at this morning's Parish Mass.

Remembrance Sunday Parish Mass

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our Remembrance Sunday service will include suitable readings and prayers, and all are welcome! After the service, have a look at our parish War Memorials, which are in the All Souls' (or Requiem) Chapel.

Advent Sunday Mass

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

We begin the season of Advent this morning, with the Blessing of the Advent Wreath, and the lighting of the first candle. Our usual Advent devotional booklets will be available - free of charge - at the back of the church.

Christmas Carol Service (3pm) & Christmas Market (4pm)

for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Begin your Christmas celebrations with us at this service of seasonal carols, Bible readings, and prayers.

Our Christmas Market takes place today in the Hall, immediately after the service. Many stalls - seasonal crafts, gifts, 'nearly new', toys, books etc., and refreshments. Admission FREE!