These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday at for 45 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

An opportunity to take part in this traditional Lenten devotion - a short service of prayers and meditations involving each of the 14 Stations around the church. The service will be held every Friday during Lent, including Good Friday (7th/14th/21st/28th March and 5th/11th/18th April).

Mothering Sunday Mass

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

We take a *Spring Break* from the austerity of Lent this morning, as we celebrate Mothering (or Refreshment) Sunday. Hopefully, there'll be a small bunch of spring flowers for every household or family represented in church today!

Walsingham Cell Mass

for 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our Cell of OLW meets today - all welcome, and there are refreshments after the service! As we're now in Lent, today's Mass theme is *Our Lady at the foot of the Cross*.

Youth Club

for 2 hours
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Our monthly Youth Club, with a variety of games and craft activities, meets again today. The event usually includes a short seasonal act of worship in the Church. Ages 7-16 welcome - qualified DBS-checked staff supervising. Parents/carers are also welcome to stay for all or part of each event - children under 7 are also welcome, but must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Palm Sunday Liturgy

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

We begin our journey through Holy Week with the usual Palm Sunday Liturgy, starting with the Blessing of Palm Crosses, followed by a Procession, and the Mass itself, during which the Passion Gospel is read.

Holy Week Mass - Monday 14th/Tuesday 15th/Wednesday 16th April

Every day at for 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A simple evening Mass, with a short address, for the first three days of Holy Week. These services replace the usual weekday schedule! Each service lasts about 30 minutes.

Maundy Thursday Mass

for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

This evening's Mass commemorates Our Lord's last supper with his friends, and ends with the Blessed Sacrament being placed on the Altar of Repose.
The service lasts about an hour, and then a Watch of Prayer (with suitable short readings) follows, ending at midnight after the short monastic office of Compline (Night Prayer).

Good Friday Liturgy

for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

A simple, but moving, service to commemorate Our Lord's death. The liturgy includes a Passion Gospel, special prayers, and Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. The church will be open from 11am for private prayer, and a priest will be available after the service to hear Confessions, if required. There is also a short service of Stations of the Cross at 730pm today.

Holy Saturday Morning Prayer

for 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

No Mass this morning - instead, we have a simple service of Morning Prayer, with the appropriate psalms and readings for Easter Eve/Holy Saturday. The service is followed by the enjoyable task of preparing the Church for Easter, and all volunteers will be very welcome!

Easter Vigil

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

The lighting of the New Fire, and the Blessing of the Paschal Candle, are followed by the Vigil Readings as a prelude to the joyful First Mass of Easter Day!

Easter Sunday Parish Mass

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

Come and celebrate Easter with us at this morning's Mass! The service will include the Blessing of the Easter Garden, and there will be chocolate available after Mass (in the form of Blessed mini-Eggs...😋😋), along with other refreshments, stalls, and the Easter Raffle!

Easter Monday Mass

for 30 mins
Gillingham: St Luke The Evangelist
Virginia Road Gillingham, ME7 1PB, United Kingdom

We continue our Easter celebration this morning with a Mass which includes 2 hymns, and a visit to the Easter Garden.