1. PEW SHEET for w/c Sunday 17th November 2024

PRAY FOR GOD'S WORLD, for the people of Ukraine, the Middle East, and other war zones worldwide; for all refugees trying to reach safety; for those in desperate conditions caused by climate change or the cost-of-living crisis, and for those caring for the sick and the elderly, including Liz, John, Ruth, Valerie, Elizabeth, Ken, David, and Ann

PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER BEFORE GOD - who knows the needs of each - those for whom our prayers have been asked; Jenny, Thea, Frankie, Simon, Rachel, Don, Geoff, Carol, Michael, Ann, Jimmy, Nikki, Bob, Philip, Nicky, Sandra, Daisy, Noah and his parents, Gary, Shaun, Davy, Peter, Terry, and those in mourning.

REMEMBER the recently departed - David B, Irene B; and those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time; Sylvia Aldgate, Claudius Collier, Thomas Jeremiah, Robert Featherstone.

1. A Prayer for our Church and Parish:

Let us pray for those of our parish who are poor, or anxious, or unwell. Let us pray for God’s blessing on our Youth Club, our nearby uniformed groups, those who live and work in Prospect Place and the other new building developments, and on the King William Nursery and Burnt Oak School. Let us remember, too, the Sunlight Centre, the Medway Food Bank, the Gillingham Street Angels, and others who work amongst the many disadvantaged people in this area.

Heavenly Father, you have called us to be the bearers of Good News, following the example of St Luke the Evangelist, our Patron.

Send your light and truth to lead us; open our minds to worship you in spirit and in truth; open our eyes to the opportunities you give us in the people we meet each day, or who come through the doors of our church.

Open our ears to hear your call; open our hearts to your love, that we may serve you and bring others to your light.

God of hope, in this moment, and in the days ahead as we look to the future, however dark and uncertain it may seem, fill us with all joy and peace, as we trust in you, that we may overflow with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus’ name. 


2. A prayer for the victims of war

Gracious God, we pray for all persons suffering from war, wherever and whoever they are. May they be held in your loving care and protection, and be given the strength to endure their great suffering and hardship.

Transform the hearts and minds of all those who perpetuate violence and oppression. Grant wisdom to world leaders in advancing efforts towards avoiding conflict; may they not be compromised by cruelty, self-interest and blind indifference.

We ask all this in the name of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.



The Church is OPEN as detailed below.

We ask you to continue to use hand-sanitizers on entering/leaving the Church. Face-coverings or masks are recommended, but not mandatory. Please respect the wishes of those who want to continue to maintain social distancing!


930am Morning Prayer


Today's Mass intention is for this Church and Parish, that, when trouble comes, we will know that God is with us.

5pm Evening Prayer & Benediction 


WEEKDAY SERVICES & Mass intentions 

Monday 18th November - 10am Mass  St Hilda

For the nuns at Walsingham Priory.

Tuesday 19th November - 530pm Mass  feria

For peace in Ukraine, and in the Middle East.

Wednesday 20th November  - 8am Mass feria

For ++Justin Welby and his family.

Thursday 21st November - 10am Mass The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

For help to keep a good and holy Advent.

Friday 22nd November - 10am Mass  St Cecilia

For all victims of physical, mental, spiritual, and sexual abuse.

Saturday 23rd November - 10am Mass  St Clement

For all Christian leaders.

730pm Quiz Night in the Hall


930am Morning Prayer


Today's Mass intention is for this Church and Parish, that we will let Jesus truly be our Lord, God, and King.

5pm Evening Prayer & Benediction

We ask you to continue to use hand-sanitizers on entering/leaving the Church. Face-coverings or masks are recommended, but not mandatory. Please respect the wishes of those who want to continue to maintain social distancing!