Here is our usual schedule of services:
Morning Prayer at 930am
PARISH MASS at 1030am
A digital card reader is now available at this service if you prefer to make a donation in this up-to-date manner!
Evening Prayer (usually followed by Benediction) at 6pm during summer (BST), or at 5pm in winter (GMT)
Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament is usually available at this service - please speak to Father Garry.
Mass at 10am
Mass at 530pm
Mass at 8am
Other services may be held from time to time, as announced. Variations to the usual schedule are advertised on the weekly Pew Sheet.
For information regarding Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals, please contact Father Garry.
There are various resources for use at home on the Church of England website, and elsewhere on the Internet - here is a link to the C of E's own online page:
You can see some of our own online services by using this Facebook link:
or click on the Facebook logo at the bottom of the left-hand column...
The Sunday Mass is no longer recorded each week, but we hope to livestream services on special occasions.
The CHURCH HALL is available once more for private hire, but there will be NO EVENING BOOKINGS after 9pm. Call or text 07503 040015 for details of availability and charges.
Fridays in Lent at 730pm - STATIONS OF THE CROSS
14th/21st/28th March/4th/11th/18th April
Wednesday 19th March - ST JOSEPH - 10am Mass (no 8am service)
Thursday 20th March - 10am Mass (also at 7pm, followed by PCC meeting)
Tuesday 25th March - THE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - 530pm Walsingham Cell Mass (all welcome!)
Sunday 30th March - MOTHERING SUNDAY (LENT 4) - 1030am Parish Mass with Blessing & Distribution of Flowers
Saturday 5th April - Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross - 10am Walsingham Cell Mass (all welcome!)
The usual daily Mass schedule is REPLACED by the services shown below!
Sunday 13th April - PALM SUNDAY
1030am Liturgy of Palms, Procession, and Parish Mass
6pm Evening Prayer & Benediction
Monday 14th/Tuesday 15th/Wednesday 16th April
7pm Holy Week Mass with homily
Thursday 17th April - MAUNDY THURSDAY
8pm Mass, followed by Procession to the Altar of Repose, and Watch of Prayer until midnight
Friday 18th April - GOOD FRIDAY
12 noon Liturgy of the Day
730pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday 19th April - HOLY SATURDAY
930am Morning Prayer (followed by preparation of the Church)
8pm Vigil & first Mass of Easter
Sunday 20th April - EASTER DAY
1030am Parish Mass
6pm Evening Prayer & Benediction
Monday 21st April - 10am Mass with hymns & Visit to the Easter Garden
Tuesday 13th May - 10am PILGRIMS' MASS
(Walsingham Pilgrimage 13th - 16th May)
Thursday 29th May - ASCENSION DAY - Mass at 10am & 730pm
Sunday 8th June - PENTECOST
1030am Parish Mass
630pm *Thy Kingdom Come* united service at Green Street Baptist Church
ALL service arrangements are subject to change from time to time. Details will be published on this website, on the weekly bulletin, and at the church, as soon as possible, but you can also check on any last-minute changes by calling Father Garry on 01634 580433 or by email at [email protected]